
Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014-

EMOM for 8 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 2 Tough push Press (tng)
Min 4-8: 2 Tough Push Jerk (tng)
5 Sets:
15 UB Hang Power Clean (135/95) *Scale Wt. down to facilitate going UB.
:30 Airdyne @95% (high effort, but efforts should be consistent from round to round)
Rest 10 seconds
15 Bar Facing Burpee For Time
Rest 5-6 minutes
15-20 Min Z1 Airdyne or Row 

HPA- Blue 
A. Push Jerk. Split Jerk 1.1 x 5 sets, rest :10 rest 2 min 
B. Deficit Strict HSPU 3 reps every 90 seconds x 8 sets 
* if HSPU are challenging 5 second eccentric ONLY on every rep then kick back up
For Time: 
30 wall ball 20/14
25 KBS 32/24
20 Box jump 24/20
10 Burpee to 6” touch
20 Box jump 24/20 
25 KBS
30 Wall ball 

Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Snatch balance, work to max
B. Btn Split jerk . Split jerk, 1.1 perfect set x 10 sets rest 1 min
C. Seated btn strict press @21X1, work to tough set of 6 within 5 sets
D. Hanging L-sit Hold,  accummulate 3 min for time  


  1. Blue


    A) 185#, 205#, 225#, 235#, 245# (15# Pr Push Jerk)
    B) Completed as Rx'd w/4 1/2" deficit
    *stayed steady all the way through broke when necessary.

  2. Blue
    A) 70kg 75 kg 80 kg 85 kg 80 kg
    B) Full HSPU kipped 12cm/4.72 inch deficit. 7 rounds - Gym was hurrying me out.
    6.05 (16 kg kettlebell - equivalent to 35.2lbs) Is this right?
    all unbroken and steady apart from last round of wall balls.

    1. ** is this weight right - Lbs or KG for the KBS?

    2. KB Weights will always be reported in kg- so for blue thr Rx'ed wt is 32kg's (72lbs).

  3. 185 for Emom
    :24, 21 cal, :55
    :22, 20 cal, :56
    :23, 21 cal, :55
    :22, 21 cal, :55
    :23, 20 cal, ;55

  4. 185
    AD Z1

  5. Blue

    A. 155, 160, 165, 170, 175
    B. 4"-5" deficit throughout. Unbroken and no missed reps.

    The KBS was my limiting factor. Broke them up because I didn't want to overload my back. Even so, they felt surprisingly good.

  6. A. 155, 185, 205 failed, 195, 195
    B. 45 plate first 3 sets, added 10pound plate next set, 45 plate until the last set and did hspu on the ground.

    11:30 on the WOD

  7. Blue:
    A. 85, 85, 95, 95, 95 (cannot go heavier overhead due to shoulder injury)
    B. Negatives (only completed 6 sets due above)
    7:53 with 16kg bell (modified, see above)
