
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Wednesday December 31st 2014

10 Minute AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch (75/55lb)
Rest as needed
20 Minute AMRAP @low effort
1 Mile Airdyne
15 Situps
15 Walking Lunges

A. Drop Snatch. OHS; 1.1 OTM for 8-10m (moderate loading)
B. 6 Legless Rope Climbs for time (no LRC--> do RC)
2 Minute AMRAP @90%
10 Burpee
30 DU's
(rest 2m)
2 Minute AMRAP @90%
10 KBS (32/24kg)
50ft Walking Lunges
(rest 2m)
2 Minute AMRAP:
15 Pullups
12 BJ Step Down (24/20)
(Rest 2m)
2 Minute Row for cals @90%

HPA - Power
A. Front Squat @ 20X1, 1 tough rep every 2 min x 8 sets (minimum 85% max)
B. Wtd Pronated Pullup @ 30X0, 1 tough rep every min x 10 sets
3 sets performed @ 90% effort:
2 rounds for time
15 Thrusters @ 110lb
15 CTB pullups
rest 3 min bw sets

Monday, December 29, 2014

Tuesday December 30th 2014

A. Jerk Support; 2-2-1-1; rest 2m (2's @100% Jerk max, 1's @103-105% jerk max)
B. Split Jerk; 1.1 x5 setsl; rest 10s/ 2m
500m Row @2k PR Pace
Rest 2m x4 Sets.
*If you do not have an established 2k PR hit these @85%.
*Aim for precision b/w sets.

A. Push Press; 5x5; rest 2-3m (heavy across)
B. 2 Deficit Kip HSPU Every 90s until failure- start @45/25lb plate as deficit, add 10lb bumper each set. (measure height of last compelted set)
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Cal Airdyne
200m Farmer Carry for time @32kg/arm, 24kg/arm

HPA - Power
Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Snatch balance, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1 min (all moderate sets with inc weight)
B. Front Squat . split jerk, 1 moderate rep x 8 sets rest 1m10 (inc weight each set)
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: Hanging L-sit :10-:15
2nd min: 5 Btn Strict Press @ challenging weight

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Monday December 29th 2014

A. 2 Tng Snatch Every 90s until failure- start @70%, add 5lb per minute.
B. FS; 2 reps x5 sets; rest 2-3m (heavy, no grinders).
C. GH Raise; 8-10x 3 sets; rest 60s

3 Sets:
40 cal AD
20 C2B Pullups
Rest 2-3m

A. 1 Snatch Every minute until failure; start @115/80 and add 5-10lb every other minute (ie- same loading for two consecutive sets)
B. Double Barrel Front Squat; 5-5-4-4-3-3; rest 2-3m (see notes for demo)
For Time:
30 Cleans (135/95#)
30 Burpee BJ Overs (30/24")
30 Toes to Bar
30 Alternating Pistols *no pistols--> see notes

-No pistols d0--> 30 Walking Lunge w/30lbs/20lbs per arm
-Double Barrel FSq demo (

HPA - Power
C&J int - Bsquat int - Ring MU battery
A. cluster Squat clean thruster, 1.1 -- build to max
B. Hang Power clean & Push Jerk, 3 TOUGH reps every minute x 5 sets
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 3 within 5-6 sets
15 burpee ring muscle ups for time x 2 sets rest 4 min

Friday, December 26, 2014

Saturday December 27, 2014-

10 Minute Z1 Airdyne
4 Sets:
5:00 Airdyne @Grinder pace
Rest 5 min b/w sets

10 Minute Z1 Airdyne

HPA- Blue:
For Time:
50 Burpee
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
150 Cal Airdyne
200 Double Undera

HPA - Power
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 3-5 Strict HSPU to Deficit wearing weight vest
2nd - 3-5 Pronated Strict Chest to Bar wearing weight vest
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
3 CGBP (heavy)
3 Bar Muscle-ups
**no bmu, then do 4 CGBP and 6 CTB**
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 10 supinated ring rows @ 20X0
2nd - 15 Hand Release Push-ups

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Friday December 26, 2014-

A. PC. Clean; build to a tough set (rest 15s b/w reps)
B. Deadlift; 1 single OTM for 10 Min @80-85% 1RM
EMOM for 10 Min:
E: 2 Tough CGBP
O: 12-15 UB C2B Pullups
EMOM For 10 Min:
E: 2 Strict Deficit HSPU
O: 12-15 UB Toes To bar

A. Hang Power Clean. work to a tough Double
B. Thruster work to a max from the rack
C. Drop to 85% and AMRAP for 7 min
D. 10 second L sit hold OTM for 10 min

HPA - Power

Snatch - C&J - short work (Xtra rest)
A. T&G Power snatch, 2-2-2-2-2 rest 2 min
B. Squat Clean & split jerk cluster, 1.1 -- best set with :20 time cap
Max reps
:60 Burpees
:60 Power snatches @ 75lb/45lb
rest 3 min
Max reps
:60 Burpees
:60 Power snatches @ 135lb/75lb
rest 3 min
:60 Burpees
:60 Power snatches @ 165lb/100lb
rest 3 min
:60 Burpees
:60 Power snatches @ 210lb/120lb
** CF Open testing weights **

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wednesday December 24, 2014-

10 Rounds For Time @90%
4 Burpee
6 KBS (32/24kg)
8 Wall Balls
Rest 7-10 Min
For Time @90%
200 DU's
1,000m Row
200 DU's

Snatch %
A.Heaving snatch Balance.OHS, work to a tough set
B. Max unbroken muscle ups in one set
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Dumbell snatch 5/5 (50/35) 
10 box jump 24/20 rest 3 min
3 min Row @ 90%
rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP @ 90%
10 Burpee to 6" touch
40 Double unders

rest 3 min x 2 sets
HPA - Power
A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 2 reps x 7 sets rest 1m30
A2. Wtd Pronated Pullup @ 30X0, 2 reps x 7 sets rest 1m30
3 sets performed @ 90% effort:
2 min AMRAP
10 OH squats @ 95lb
10 CTB Pullups
rest 3 min bw sets

Monday, December 22, 2014

Tuesday December 23, 2014-

A. Split Jerk; build to a moderate/ tough single (go by feel)
B. Seated DB Press; 12-10-8-6; rest 90-120s
C. Front Rack Carry; 80-100m UB x4 sets; rest as needed
60 second Airdyne for max cals

A. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, Work to a tough set from the blocks 
B. Deficit HSPU 3 reps OTM for 10 min 
* No HSPU work Negatives every 90 seconds for 8-10 sets 
For Time:
Row Cals
KBS 32/24
Burpee ( no jump at top, come to a full stand) 

HPA - Power
Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Snatch balance, 2 moderate reps every minute x 10 sets
B. split jerk, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1m10 bw sets
C. Seated btn strict press @21X1, build to 3rm
D. Hollow body hold, :15 every :30 x 10 sets

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Monday December 22, 2014-

A. Snatch; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @155, add 5-10lb per minute.
B. Back Squat; tough double in no more than 5 sets.
C. Front Squat @10x0; 6x4; rest 90-120s (wt @65-75%)
Burpee BJ (30")
C2B Pullups

HPA- Blue
Snatch Intense + Back squat + Upper pull/Push volume
A.Snatch. Below Knee Hang snatch. OHS, work to a tough set
B.Back squat @ 21X1, 2 reps x 6 sets, rest 3-4 min
For Time:
5 wall walk 
50 Double Under x 4 sets
10 burpee muscle up 
50 Double under x 4 sets 
5 wall walk 

HPA - Power
HPA - Power
C&J int - Bsquat int - Ring MU battery
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, build to 1rm
B. Power clean & push jerk, 15 reps for time @ 90%RM
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 4 within 5-6 sets
For time:
unbroken ladder Ring Muscle ups

Friday, December 19, 2014

Saturday December 20, 2014-

Aerobic Power Test w/ muscular endurance component 
For Time:
2,000m Row
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
2 Mile Airdyne
cooldown/ foamroll (15-20m)

HPA- Blue
A. Strict Press 3x3, rest 2-3 min 
B1. AMRAP strict HSPU, rest 30 seconds
B2. AMRAP unbroken strict C2B chin ups, rest 1:30 x 3 sets 
10 min AMRAP:
50 burpees to 6” touch 
30 shoulder to overhead 135/95

AMRAP Muscle ups in remaining time  

HPA - Power 
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 3 touch n go Push Press @ Tough repeatable weight
2nd - 3 Weighted Pronated Strict Chest to Bar
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
4 Kipping HSPU to 10” Deficit
4 Strict Pronated Chest to Bar
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
5 Strict Ring Dips
5 Chest to Bar 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Friday December 19, 2014-

Clean Intense+ Dynamic Effort DL (battery @low-->mod load)+ Upper Volume (EMOM)
A. PC. High Hang Clean; 1.1x6; rest 2-3m (no drop b/w reps)
B. 2 Deadlift OTM for 8 Minutes @70-75% 1RM
EMOM for 20 Minutes
3 tough CGBP (Min 1-5)
10 C2B Pullups (Min 5-10)
3 Strict Deficit HSPU (Min 10-15)
10 Toes to Bar (Min 15-20)

*Ie- 3 CGBP OTM for 5m, then 10 c2b OTM for 5m...etc

HPA- Blue
A. Front squat @ 21X1, 4 reps x 4-5 sets , rest 3 min ( target weight for working sets should be 80%)
B. Deadlift, work to a tough set of 3 touch and go quickly 
10 rounds for time:
3 Clean @ 65%RM

5 Box jump 40/30 "

HPA - Power
Snatch - C&J - short work (Xtra rest)
A. Above knee Hang squat snatch, 2-2-1-1 rest 2 min
B. Squat Clean & split jerk, build to tough set (not a max)
3 sets:
:60 Power clean & Push jerk (115lb/85lb)
:60 Max cals on Airdyne
rest 3 min  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wednesday December 17, 2014-

5 Minute AMRAP @high effort
1000m Row
max BJ Step Down in remaining time
Rest 5 Min
5 Minute AMRAP @high effort
20 cal AD
12 Toes to bar
12 Wall Balls
Rest 5m
5 Minute AMRAP @high effort
1000m Row max BJ Step Down in remaining time
Rest 5 Min

*try to match first score. +
5 Minute AMRAP @high effort 
20 cal AD
12 Toes to bar
12 Wall Balls 

*Try to match first score.

HPA- Blue

A. Power Snatch. Hang Snatch OTM for 10 min , weight 50-65% RM , focus on efficiency of movement and speed
B. 4-5 muscle ups OTM for 10 min 
* if you couldnt complete the full week last wed then do 3-4 
Unbroken For Time
Toes to bar
Shoulder to overhead 95/65

HPA - Power 
A1. Front Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps x 6 sets rest 1m30
A2. Wtd Pronated Pullup @ 30X0, 3 reps x 6 sets rest 1m30
3 sets performed @ 90% effort:
OH Squats @ 95lb
Push Ups
Step down box jumps
rest 2m30 (time each round) 

Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014-

EMOM for 8 Minutes:
Min 1-4: 2 Tough push Press (tng)
Min 4-8: 2 Tough Push Jerk (tng)
5 Sets:
15 UB Hang Power Clean (135/95) *Scale Wt. down to facilitate going UB.
:30 Airdyne @95% (high effort, but efforts should be consistent from round to round)
Rest 10 seconds
15 Bar Facing Burpee For Time
Rest 5-6 minutes
15-20 Min Z1 Airdyne or Row 

HPA- Blue 
A. Push Jerk. Split Jerk 1.1 x 5 sets, rest :10 rest 2 min 
B. Deficit Strict HSPU 3 reps every 90 seconds x 8 sets 
* if HSPU are challenging 5 second eccentric ONLY on every rep then kick back up
For Time: 
30 wall ball 20/14
25 KBS 32/24
20 Box jump 24/20
10 Burpee to 6” touch
20 Box jump 24/20 
25 KBS
30 Wall ball 

Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Snatch balance, work to max
B. Btn Split jerk . Split jerk, 1.1 perfect set x 10 sets rest 1 min
C. Seated btn strict press @21X1, work to tough set of 6 within 5 sets
D. Hanging L-sit Hold,  accummulate 3 min for time  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday December 15, 2014-

Snatch Intense+ BS Intense/ FS Assistance+ Gymnastic Pulling Capacity (ES)
A. High Hang Sn. Hang Snatch. OHS; 1.1.1 x5; rest as needed (no drop b/w reps)
B. BS; build to a tough triple in no more than 5 sets (not a 3RM. No grinding reps)
C. FS @1010; 8 reps x3 sets; rest 90-120s (moderate effort. Wt @55-65% FS max)
UB Muscle Ups
Double Unders
5 Rounds For Time:
8 UB C2B Pullups

HPA- Blue

A. Hang snatch, work to a tough double, no dropping between reps
B. Back squat @ 21X1 3 reps x 4-5 sets, rest 3-4 min
30 burpee ring muscle ups for time
* sub for burpee pull ups if no muscle ups

HPA - Power
C&J int - Bsquat int - Ring MU battery
A. Power clean . hang squat clean . split jerk build to tough set (do not drop between reps)
B. Power clean & Split jerk every minute x 10 minutes (5 sets @ 85%, 5 sets @ 90%)
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 4 within 5-6 sets
For time:

Every 2 minutes complete 10 Ring Muscle ups x 3 sets

Friday, December 12, 2014

Saturday December 13, 2014-

HPA-Gold/ Blue:
Unbroken C2B Pullups *Must drop between sets
5-10 Minute Rest
For Time:
40 Back Squat (75/45#)
40 cal Row
30 Front Squat (75/45#)
30 cal Row
20 Overhead Squar (75/45#)
20 cal Row
*12 burpee penalty every time you break on squats

HPA - Power 
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - 2 tough Press
2nd - 2 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
1st - AMRAP unbroken Strict HSPU to 6” Deficit
2nd - 4-6 Weighted Supinated Pull-ups
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
6-7 Clapping Push-ups
6-7 Toes to Bar 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Friday December 12, 2014-

HPA-Gold/ Blue:
A. Hang Clean. FS; 1.2x5; rest 2m (Blue- build to a max in this complex)
B. Deadlift; 3 OTM for 6 Min @60-65%
EMOM for 20 Minutes
1st: 1 PS+1 HPS +1 OHS @70-75% (PS max)
2nd: 2 Tough Strict Defecit HSPU (blue- HSPU negatives)
3rd: 2-4 UB Bar MU (Blue- 7-10 C2B)
4th: 25 UB DU's 

HPA - Power 
Snatch - C&J - short work (Xtra rest)
A. High Hang Squat snatch . Above knee Hang squat snatch, work to tough set
B. Power Clean . squat clean. Push jerk, 1.1.1-- work to tough set (drop power clean from shoulders)
4 sets:
:40 Squat snatch @ 135lb/95lb (scale weight if needed)
:40 Max Double Unders
rest 2m30  

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wednesday December 10, 2014-

7 Minute AMRAP @90%
2 Rople Climbs
10 Burpee BJ - step down (30/24")
20 cal Airdyne
Rest 5-6 Minutes
7 Minute AMRAP @90%
15 Wall Balls (20/14#)
400m Row
15 Hand Release Pushups
Rest 5-6 Minutes
7 Minute Running Clock @90%
30 KBS (24/16kg)
20 Toes to Bar
100 DU's
Airdyne for cals in remaining time

HPA- Blue
A. 2 Above the knee hang snatch every minute for 10 min , weight 50-65%, focus on efficiency of movement B.3-4 muscle ups OTM for 10 min * scale as needed For Time: 18,15,12,9,6,3 Pull up Clapping push up Toes to bar

HPA - Power
A1. Front Squat, 4 reps x 5 sets rest 1m30
A2. Wtd Pronated Pullup, 4 reps x 5 sets rest 1m30
5 sets:
50 ft OH BB Walking lunges w/ 95lb 6 Bar facing burpees
8 Toes to Bar 

10 CTB Pulluprest 2m30

Monday, December 8, 2014

Tuesday December 9, 2014-

A. Pause Split Jerk; 8-10 singles @80-85 (max SJ); rest as needed (pause 2s in bottom of dip).
5 Sets- near all out (don't redline) *Think 95-97%
:20 Row Sprint @7 damper
:20 Lateral Burpee Over Rower
:35 Airdyne
Rest 4-5m
*Do not count transitions in the work time. ie- if you get onto the burpee @:25 go until :45, not :40.
20 Minute Z1 Airdyne or Row

HPA- Blue
A. Weighted Dip @ 21X1, 3-5 reps x 5 sets , rest 2 min
B. Deficit HSPU 3 reps every 90 seconds x 7 sets 
** if HSPU are challenging 5 second eccentric ONLY on every rep then kick back up
For Time:
100 Double unders 
12 Shoulder to overhead (135/95)
3 rope climbs 
75 double under
9 Shoulder to overhead 
2 rope climb
50 Double under
6 shoulder to overhead

1 rope climb 
HPA - Power 
Snatch (mod) - Split jerk (tech) vertical Strength
A. Power snatch . high hang squat snatch, 1.1work to moderate set within 6-7 sets
B. Split jerk, 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 rest 1 min 2's @ 55%rm, 1's @ 60%RM 
C1. Standing Alternatine Dumbell strict press, 5 tough reps/arm x 4 sets rest :20
C2. Dumbell Push press, 10-12 unbroken reps w/ same weight as C1 x 4 sets rest 1 min
C3. Hanging L-sit Hold,  accummulate :25 x 4 sets rest 1 min 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday December 8, 2014-

A. Snatch Pull. PS. PS; 1.1.1x5; rest 10s/2-3m
B. BS @30x1; 2x6; rest 2-3m (straight sets- all tough. No grinders.)
Cleans (155#) *Full Squat
Muscle Ups
5 Rest
6" Defecit HSPU
Strict Toes to bar 

A. Sntach Cluster 1.1.1 x 5 sets, rest :10, rest 2 min 
B. Back squat @ 21X1, 4 reps x 4-5 sets, rest 3-4 min ( target weight is 80% for working sets) 
5 sets @ high effort
500m row
5 burpee ring muscle up
5 burpee bar muscle up 
rest 2 min between sets 

HPA - Power
C&J int - Bsquat int - Ring MU battery
A. Power clean . Hang squat clean thruster, build to tough set (do not drop between reps) 

B. Power clean, 3 touch and go on the minute x 5 minutes (no less than 92% of part A - make it challenging but no fails)
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 5 within 5-6 sets
For time:
10 Burpee Ring Muscle ups
rest 2 min x 3 sets

Friday, December 5, 2014

Saturday December 6, 2014-

For TIme:
50 cal Row
50 BJ Overs (24/20")
50 WB (20/14#_
50 cal Row
Rest 10 Min
Toes To bar
Cals On AD
10-15 Min Z1 Row or AD

HPA- Blue
A.Barbell Strict press 5,3,1 rest 2-3 min ( weights should be 75%,85%,95%, on the set of 1 with 95% do AMRAP reps)
B1. ARMAP unbroken Ring Dips, rest 90 seconds
B2. AMRAP unbroken C2B strict chin ups, rest 90 seconds x 3 sets
For Time:
30 bar facing burpees  burp
30 power snatch 95/65
30 Box jump over 30/24
30 clean and jerk 95/65
30 bar facing burpees 

HPA - Power
 EMOM x 10 mins:
2 Heavy Push Press
1 Legless Rope Climb to 15ft
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
3-4 Kipping HSPU to 10” Deficit
4-6 Chest to Bar
**scale deficit if needed**
5 min rest
EMOM x 10 mins:
4-6 Strict Ring Dips
6-8 Toes to Bar

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Friday December 5, 2014-

A. PC. Clean. FS; build to a tough set
B. DL @20x0; 4x4; rest 2-3m
2 Sets:
Max UB PS @115
Rest 20s
25 Strict HSPU FT
Rest as needed b/w sets (max 5m)

A. Front squat @ 21X1, 5 reps x 4-5 sets , rest 3 min ( target weight for working sets should be 75%RM)
B. Deadlift, work to a tough touch and go 5
For Time:
Clean 75% RM
50ft sled push 200#/150
Rope Climb

HPA Power
Snatch - C&J - short work (restx2)
A. Squat snatch, 2-2-1-1 rest 2-3 min (Increase weight each set)
B. Power Clean . Push jerk, 2.2 -- work to tough set
5 sets:
:30 Ground to overhead @ 155lb/105lb (all singles)
:30 Burpee to 24" box
rest 2 min

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wednesday December 3, 2014-

10 Minute AMRAP @90%
500m Row
7/7 KB Sn (1.5/1)
40 DU's
Rest 10 Min
10 Minute AMRAP 90%
40 cal AD
20 BJ Overs (24/20)
10 T2B
10-15 Min Z1 AD or Row

HPA- Blue
A. 3 above knee hang snatch OTM for 10 min , weight from 50-60%RM, work on speed and efficiency of movement
B. 2-3 muscle ups OTM for 10 min 
* scale as needed
pull ups 

HPA - Power 
A1. Front Squat, 5 reps x 5 sets rest 1m30
A2. Wtd Pronated Pullup, 5 reps x 5 sets rest 1m30
5 sets:
50 ft KB Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 16kg/12kg - per arm
12-15 Unbroken CTB Pullups
12 HR Push ups
rest 2m30