A. Snatch; 1.1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. Back Squat @21x1; 3x8, rest 2-3m
For Time:
40 Wall Balls
30 Power Clean @135
20 Muscle Ups
*10 Min Cap
C1. Wtd. Back Extension; 8-12x3, rest 1m
C2. Stability Ball Leg Curl @3030; 8-12x3, rest 1m
HPA - Power
A. Front Squat, work to 1rm
B. Above knee Hang Squat Snatch. OH squat, 1.1- work to tough set
C. 5 sets:
6 T&G Power clean @ 175lb/135lb (these should take quite a bit of energy but all be fast and unbroken)
rest :15
:15 ALL out Sprint on Airbike
rest 4 min b/t sets
ReplyDeleteA: 121kg
B. 65kg
C. Did the class WOD instead
30s max Thrusters
30s rest
30s max Double Unders
30s rest
8 sets
ReplyDeleteA. 110kg, frooze at 115kg :-(
B. 60kg
C. did the PC @75kg, could have done 80kg realised afterwards :-(, finished in 19:42
ReplyDeleteA 190
B 95
C completed at 125#
ReplyDeleteA. 175x1.1.1, 185x1.1.f, 185x1.1.1, 195x1.1.1, 205f, 205x1.1.f
B. 275 all sets
17 muscle ups
Didn't feel 100% after the weekend, just didn't have tons of energy. Still having some issues with my hips twisting on snatch, definitely feel I have some imbalances in my core causing this. Going to try to start adding in some more core stability work like pallof presses at different positions, dead bugs, etc, stuff that won't be so taxing. Had to do my wall balls at 8 feet with a 25 pound ball cause it was kinda wet and cold in missouri, almost need a 30 pound ball for this, did the 40 unbroken, took about 1:30 including transition. Did cleans in sets of 3 except for last set did 6, this took probably 3:45, probably couldn't have gone faster here. Then finished the 17th muscle up with about 12-15 seconds to go. So with some better pacing on cleans could have finished this within time cap I think.