
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday November 20, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @65%, add 5-10lb/ every other set (ie- repeat ea/ wt twice)
B. Front Squat; 3x5, rest 2-3m (tough)
Every 2:00 for 10 Minutes:
1 PC + 5 Front Squat @75-85% (max PC)
Every 2:00 For 6 Minutes:
10 Back Squat @3030 tempo (25% 1RM)

C1.  GHR; 6-8x3, rest 1m
C2.  BB Hip Thrust; 10-15x3, rest 1m 

HPA - Power

A. OH squat @ 20X1, work to tough set of 3 reps 
B. Squat Snatch, 1rm C. For time: 10 Squat snatch @ 65%RM 10 Squat Snatch @ 70%RM 10 Squat Snatch @ 75%RM 10 Squat snatch @ 80%RM


  1. Power:
    A. 70kg
    B. 75kg failed twice at 77.5kg felt slow and empty
    C. for time @47.5, @52.5, @56, @60kg in 19:10, my lower back was on fire and felt a bit tired

  2. Power:

    A. Stopped at 215
    B. 205. Missed 215
    C. 8:46. 135,145,155,165. Very happy with this. No missed lifts.

  3. Gold

    A. 155-225 with no misses, 235f, 235
    B. 275 all sets
    205 all sets stayed lighter focused on speed
    95 for two sets

    Had to cut it here, I stayed home with a sick baby today and trained while he napped, he woke up during front squat emom. 235 ties all time PR on snatch and it was on the 18th minute, crazy. Front squats were heavy but it's good weight for me for 5 triples. Might finish accessory work later if time.
