
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wednesday July 29, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest 2m (drop b/w reps on 2's and 3's)
B1. CGBP Cluster; 3.3.3x5, rest 20s/90s
B2. Pendlay Row; 7-9x5, rest 90s
EMOM x10 Minutes:
1st: 1 Legless RC from seated position
2nd: 2-3 tough strict defecit HSPU
3-5 Sets:
10-12 DB Hammer Curl
10-12 Neutral Grip Skul crusher
*Short rest b/w movements. ~65% effort here. 

HPA - power
A. T&G Squat snatch, -- work to tough double within 7-8 sets
B. Hang Squat Clean . Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to tough set -- drop hang squat clean from shoulders and reset for squat clean
EMOM for 8 minutes:
3 Box jumps @ 24/20 + 3 Hang Power snatch (135lb/95lb)
rest 2 min
EMOM for 8 min
3 burpee over bar + 1 Power clean + 2 Hang Power clean + 3 Push Press (135lb/95)
**Scale weight to make sure all sets are unbroken**
**Est weight should be able 65%-70% of Max Power Snatch**
GHD sit ups, 15 reps x 4 sets rest 1m30 b/t sets  


  1. Gold
    A. 175/185/195/185/195/205 (tied PR)
    B1. 135 across
    B2. 135 across
    Done. Subbed KB rows for the rope climb. Just disassembled my pull up bar. Building a new one to accomodate 6 people and a rope and rings. Hspu were done at a 1-2" defect (have to start somewhere right?). Last couple sets did one rep and a slow negative.

  2. Power:
    A. 175# Snatch has been rough of late.
    B. 235#
    EMOM 1. 8/8 135#
    EMOM 2. 8/8 135#
    GHD. Completed

  3. Gold

    A. 225,245,275,245,275,300
    B1. 225,235,245,255(8),255(8)
    B2. 185,195,205,205,205
    C. RC: L-Sit
    HSPU: 2,2,4,4,6" (all 3s)
    D1. 40x12x5
    D2. 30x12x5
