
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday July 22, 2015-

5-10 Minute Z1 Row
3 Sets:
10 Row @100%
Rest 3m b/w sets
(rest 5m after last set)
2000m Row For Time
2-3 Rounds @low effort
1 Mile assault bike
20m forward bear crawl
20m reverse bear crawl
40m SA DB OHC Carry per arm @low load

-record lowest pace/ set on sprint
-record time/ avg pace on 2k
-record 30:00 Row time trial to 2k ratio as follows- (2k pace in seconds/ 30m row pace in seconds---> 105s/115s = .95 x100 = 91% )
-record avg HR for 2k is able


HPA - Power 
A. Snatch Pull . Squat snatch, -- work to tough set within 8 sets (reset bt reps)
B. Above knee Hang Power clean . above knee hang squat clean, 2.2 work to tough set (dont drop bar)
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 3 burpee over bar + 3 T&G Power snatch @ 155lb/100lb
2nd min: 3 burpee over bar + 3 Unbroken Thrusters @ 155lb/100lb
**All reps shoud be T&G, If 1RM Power snatch is below 200lb/130 then scale weight for both movements**

**use same weight for both movements**
**Try for approx 70-75%-ish of 1rm Power snatch**
For time:
Accumulate 2 minutes of Hanging L-sit
*If unable to hold Hanging L-sit for longer than :10 unbroken then scale to accumulating 3 minutes of Hanging Knee raise hold** 


  1. Power.

    A. 165# Hardly missed my jump to 175 so went ahead to 185. Just could not do it.
    B. 215#

    EMOM. Went with heavier than 70-75%. Did 135# 10/10

    Had no legs today! Was lightheaded after most every set. Snatch in particular. Did not feel so great.

  2. Power:

    A. 95#
    B. 140#
    C. EMOM completed with 80# (72.7%)
    D. 5:50

  3. Gold

    Completed entire workout.

    Lowest pace per set on sprint - Topped out at 1:21/500m on each set. Average for the 10s was 1:29ish
    2k row time - 7:19.0 (1:49.7/500 meter pace). Blew away my previous PR from last fall of 7:44.
    2k/30min ratio: 109.7/126.0 = 87.1%

  4. A) 185#
    B) 205#. Jumped to 225#. Missed last squat clean. Collapsed at bottom
    C) EMOM. Completed at 77% of 1RM Power Snatch. 130#
    D) 5:20

  5. Gold

    Lowest Paces on 10s rows:
    2k Row:
    (Avg pace: 1:43.2)

  6. Power

    A. 195, 205, 215f lost hook on snatch, 215 - solid, I think this is good drill for me
    B. 185, 205, 225

    EMOM 10 mins
    1st - regular burpees + 3 tng power snatch 135 (my tng power snatches really suck right now)
    2nd - regular burpees + 3 thrusters 135 (was tired so this felt decently heavy)

    accumulate 2 minutes L hang - 7:45 - wowser, way long

    Was happy with the 215 snatch in the complex because my shoulders were pretty beat up from the gymnastics volume last couple of days. My touch and go power snatches suck royally right now, I have done a set of 10 with 135 tng before but I just felt with the fatigue in my shoulders I was getting super slow turnover, and hanging onto the hook makes my pull feel terrible on power snatches, doesn't bother me with full, but does with power. Core seems to be week for sure right now. Off to Mexico for a week though, will be a welcomed break.
