
Friday, July 31, 2015

Saturday August 1st, 2015-

5 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
15 KBS @1.5
20 Burpee
(Rest 5m)
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 BJ Step Down @24"
10 Toes To bar
(Rest 5m)

5 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
15 KBS @1.5
20 Burpee
(Rest 5m)
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 BJ Step Down @24"
10 Toes To bar 
15-20 Min Easy Aerobic Cooldown- row, bike, or flow work.

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch . Above knee hang squat snatch 1.1 @ 68%RM x 9 sets rest 1m10
5 sets @ 90% effort
1 Bar Muscle up . 2 CTB . 3 Pullup . 4 Toes to bar
Run 100m
rest 1 min b/t sets
5 sets @ 90% effort
30 Double Unders
rest 1 min b/t sets
5 sets @ high effort
5 Box jumps @ 24/20"
2-3 UB Ring Muscle ups + 2-3 Strict Ring Muscle ups
rest 1 min b/t sets
*Choose repeatable number for all 5 sets*
*Make RMU # = Ring Dip #
5 min EMOM
Hold :30 Hollow Body 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Friday July 31, 2015-

A. Clean; 1 rep OTM until failure- start @65%, add 10lb / set
B. Back Squat Cluster; 3.3x5, rest 20s/2-3m
C. GHR; 6-8x5, rest 2m
For Time:
50 T2B
*50 DU's every time you break
3-5 Sets:
5/5 Lateral Lunge/ leg (hold KB in front rack if easy)
10 steps Forward & reverse duck walk
60 FLR on rings 

HPA - Power 
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, build to tough 1 rep within 8 sets
B. Back Squat, work to tough double
C. Back Squat, 2 reps @ 93% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
D. Push Press, work to tough T&G triple
Perform 3 T&G Push press every :45 @ 85% of part D x 8 sets
20 min Z1 row  

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wednesday July 29, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-2-1-3-2-1, rest 2m (drop b/w reps on 2's and 3's)
B1. CGBP Cluster; 3.3.3x5, rest 20s/90s
B2. Pendlay Row; 7-9x5, rest 90s
EMOM x10 Minutes:
1st: 1 Legless RC from seated position
2nd: 2-3 tough strict defecit HSPU
3-5 Sets:
10-12 DB Hammer Curl
10-12 Neutral Grip Skul crusher
*Short rest b/w movements. ~65% effort here. 

HPA - power
A. T&G Squat snatch, -- work to tough double within 7-8 sets
B. Hang Squat Clean . Squat Clean, 1.1 - work to tough set -- drop hang squat clean from shoulders and reset for squat clean
EMOM for 8 minutes:
3 Box jumps @ 24/20 + 3 Hang Power snatch (135lb/95lb)
rest 2 min
EMOM for 8 min
3 burpee over bar + 1 Power clean + 2 Hang Power clean + 3 Push Press (135lb/95)
**Scale weight to make sure all sets are unbroken**
**Est weight should be able 65%-70% of Max Power Snatch**
GHD sit ups, 15 reps x 4 sets rest 1m30 b/t sets  

Monday, July 27, 2015

Tuesday July 28, 2015-

1k Row @2-3 sec Faster than 30 Min Row Pace
Rest 1 Minute
x5 sets
20 Minute Assault Bike @~120 BPM (moderate conversational pace)

-aim for exact pace +/- each set
-report HR data is avaialble
-note effort used to susatin Rx'ed pace

HPA - Power 
A. Push Press . Push jerk . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to tough set, use blocks and drop each rep from overhead
B. Close Grip Bench press, work to tough set of 3 reps (18"-ish Width)
8 sets @ 85-90%:
:30 Row for cals
3 CGBP @ 85% of part B
1 min b/t sets
8 sets @ 85-90%:
:30 Assault bike for cals
3-6 UB Strict HSPU-- modify to work within given rep range
1 min b/t sets 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Monday July 27, 2015-

A. PS. SN Balance; 1 complex every 90s x5 sets (60-65% 1RM PS)
B. Front Squat Cluster; 3.3x5, rest 20s/2-3m
EMOM for 10 Minutes:
1st: 1 Power Clean+ 1 Hang Power Clean (modearate)
2nd: 3 tal box jump over
3 Sets (~65-70% effort):
8/8 Single Leg DB RDL
1 Min
8-10 Back Extension
Rest 1 Min

HPA - Power 
A. T&G Power Snatch, build to tough triple within 7 sets
B. Front Squat @ 30X1, build to tough double
C. Front Squat @ 30X1, 2 reps @ 93% of part B x 2 sets rest 2-3 min
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 3 Tough Wtd Pronated pullups
2nd min: 3 Strict CTB Pullups
For time:
10 Legless rope climbs to 15ft
*no rope = 40 Strict Pullups for time*  

Friday, July 24, 2015

Saturday July 25, 2015-

5 Rounds For Time @85%
200m Run
7/7 KB Snatch @24kg
10 Burpee to 6" touch
(rest 5-7m)

4 Rounds for Time @85%
40 DU's
20 cal assault bike
10 Hand release pushup
(rest 5-7m)
3 Mile Assault Bike For Time @85% 

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch . Snatch Balance 1.1 @ 65%RM x 10 sets rest 1 min
5 min EMOM
4 Toes to bar . 3 Pullup . 2 CTB . 1 Bar Muscle up (go for unbroken) -- if unable to do level of advancement then acheive most advanced movement in complex however be sure to complete 10 total reps of whichever modification you use
2 min rest
5 min EMOM
3 TOUGH strict HSPU + 3 Box jumps (30/24) -- add or decrease deficit to complete given amount of reps --
2 min rest
5 min EMOM
:30 Max Double Unders
rest 2 min
5 min EMOM
10 GHD sit ups  

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Friday July 24, 2015-

A. Clean; 8 singles, rest 60-90s (moderate/ tough. Same weight across)
B. Back Squat Cluster; 3.3.3x5, rest 20s/2-3m
C1. Barbell Walking Lunge; 20-24 continuous steps @mod wt., rest 30s
C2. 10-15 UB C2B Pullups, rest 30s x5 sets
20 Minute of Z1- your choice 

Hey guys, to improve and tailor a more profound program to our audience, I wanted to take a poll of our followers... Whomever follows the "Power" Program please drop a line below containing a few answers--- (if you already answered on facebook that is fine)
1) What are your physical goals of following this program? (ie. Become faster or stronger, squat based, oly based, gymnastic proficiency, all around strength, self improvement or anything else..)
2) What are you currently trying to work towards (get stronger off season for CF open/regionals, Improve strength/gymnastic proficiency to prep for GRID-league tryouts, prep and improve for local competitions [CF or not], self improvement, anything esle...)
3) Include any closing thoughts you feel may be pertinent to the information above.

If you'd prefer to email this personally then that is fine too...

HPA - Power 
A. Power clean & Push Jerk, build to tough 1 rep within 8 sets
B. Back Squat, Max reps (-1) @ 82.5%RM x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
C. Push Press, 5 tough reps every 1 minute x 6 sets
D. CGBP @ 20X1, 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 rest 2 min b/t sets
*Inc weight every set
*Do not start wave until you reach 1st working set of 10
*working set of 10 should be minimum 55%RM
20 min Z1 row

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Wednesday July 22, 2015-

5-10 Minute Z1 Row
3 Sets:
10 Row @100%
Rest 3m b/w sets
(rest 5m after last set)
2000m Row For Time
2-3 Rounds @low effort
1 Mile assault bike
20m forward bear crawl
20m reverse bear crawl
40m SA DB OHC Carry per arm @low load

-record lowest pace/ set on sprint
-record time/ avg pace on 2k
-record 30:00 Row time trial to 2k ratio as follows- (2k pace in seconds/ 30m row pace in seconds---> 105s/115s = .95 x100 = 91% )
-record avg HR for 2k is able


HPA - Power 
A. Snatch Pull . Squat snatch, -- work to tough set within 8 sets (reset bt reps)
B. Above knee Hang Power clean . above knee hang squat clean, 2.2 work to tough set (dont drop bar)
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 3 burpee over bar + 3 T&G Power snatch @ 155lb/100lb
2nd min: 3 burpee over bar + 3 Unbroken Thrusters @ 155lb/100lb
**All reps shoud be T&G, If 1RM Power snatch is below 200lb/130 then scale weight for both movements**

**use same weight for both movements**
**Try for approx 70-75%-ish of 1rm Power snatch**
For time:
Accumulate 2 minutes of Hanging L-sit
*If unable to hold Hanging L-sit for longer than :10 unbroken then scale to accumulating 3 minutes of Hanging Knee raise hold** 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Tuesday July 21, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; build to a tough single
B. Sumo Deadlift; 3-4x5; rest 2-3m (no grinders- feel it out if youve never done this movement)
5 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Strict HSPU
2:00 Assault Bike @75% (moderate effort)
AMRAP (-1) Kipping HSPU
Rest 2m
*Rest 10-20s between hspu/AB/hspu .
*switch 4-6" defecit HSPU if you get 10+ reps on the first set
5:00 AMRAP:
Burpee Box Jump @30"

HPA - Power 
A. Push Press . Split Jerk, 2.2 -- work to tough set 
B. Standing Strict Press, 4-5 tough reps every 1 minute x 5 sets (minimum 70% of 1rm)
4 sets:
Row 200m @ 85% effort 
10 strict Handstand push ups (add deficit  for advanced hspu) --HSPU work is capped at :40- use modification if not pheasable
rest 2 min b/t sets
rest additional 3 min 
4 sets: 
Airbike 15 cals @ 85% effort 
10 Strict Ring Dips 
rest 2 min b/t sets 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Monday July 20, 2015-

If you haven't already check out our latest article titled, "Stimulus & Adaptation". 

A. Snatch; 10 singles, rest 60-90s (moderate/ tough effort- no fails)
B. Front Squat Cluster; 3.3.3x5, rest 20s/2-3m
C. WPU Cluster; 3.2.1 x5, rest 20s/2m
D. Legless Rope Climb from seated position; accumualte 5-10 reps (asses tolerance/ report back)
20 Minutes of Z1- your choice

HPA - Power 
A. Power Snatch, 1 rep every 1 minute until 2 fails-- start @ 65% of your 1rm Squat snatch and add 5lb per minute 
B. Front Squat, Max reps (-1) @ 82.5%RM x 3 sets rest 2-3 min (If get over 7 reps for the first set then go up to 85% for the next 2 sets) 
EMOM for 18 minutes: 
0-6--> 3 Tough Wtd Pronated pullups 
7-12-->  10-12 CTB Pullups 
13-18 -->  1 legless rope climb + 1 Rope climb using legs (both to 15ft)

Friday, July 17, 2015

Saturday July 18, 2015-

Testing officially ended yesterday, so i'll give you two options for todays training before we begin a transition phase/ new cycle. You can either use today as a restoration/ skill day (if your feel you need extra recovery), or use today to do some fun training (ie- things that may not necessarily be training priorities, but you enjoy). Either way the goal is to give yourself a mental, or physical, break from structured programing before we continue to push forward. 

HPA - Power 
A. Thruster, build to moderately challenging triple (enough to prep for Frank The Tank)
For time:
thrusters @ 115lb/75lb
CTB Pullups
20 minutes of choice of recovery
**can be mixed, does not have to be 1 cyclical peice** 

**As per our initial outline of staying on track with Golds timeline, the beat down comes to an end today.  New cycle will begin Monday**

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Friday July 17, 2015-

A. FS; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2-3m (start mod and build)
B. Snatch; build to a daily max
For Time:
20 Snatches @77% (B)
20 Minutes of Low Impact/ Low Intensity breathing work (your choice)

30 Muscle Ups For Time
*Max UB reps to start
*Report score as "Time/ Max UB", as well as limiting factor 

HPA - Power 
A. Above knee hang squat snatch, work to max
B. Power Clean & Push Jerk, touch and go double-- work to tough set
C. Power Clean & Push jerk, 1 rep :30 @ 95% of part B x 5 minutes
Assault bike -- max cals in :60
10 min recovery row

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wednesday July 15, 2015-

30:00 Assault Bike for cals
*Note cals/ avg watts or RPMS/ limiting factors.
*Record Avg HR if possible 

HPA - Power 
Wednesday - Snatch mod + Jerk intense + EMOM MAP High %'s
A. Split Jerk, build to a max
B. T&G Squat Snatch, build to tough double
C. "Amanda"
Ring Muscle ups
Squat Snatch @ 135lb/95lb 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Tuesday July 14, 2015-

A. 10 Minute Jerk Technique @low loads (60-65%)
B. WPU; build to a 2RM (chin over bar)
C. CGBP; build to a 10RM
For Time:
Unbroken C2B Pullups
Accumulate 120s Hanging L-Sit or 300s FLR

-Report Body weight in addition to scores
-Note limiting factors on tester (Grip fatigue, localized musc endurance in arm flexors or lats, poor pacing etc)
-If you don't have C2B do regular pullups for tester. If you do have C2B, but arent proficient do the tester as written with a 10 Minuet cap

HPA - Power 
8 sets:
:30 Assault @ 85% effort
:30 Assault @ 50% effort
10 min rest
8 sets:
:30 Row @ 85% effort
:30 Row @ 50% effort
**Leave some energy in the tank tomorrow**
**There is a tester tomorrow (hint,hint)**

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Monday July 13, 2015-

*This will be the final week of testing for GOLD. Next week will be a transition week which will carry us over into the next cycle/ allow me to collect data on everyone following a week behind. If you've been following the program, and not posting results, please send me your data for both testing weeks at with the subject line "HPA Gold Testing" so I can factor you into the programs avatar. 

A. BS; AMRAP(-1) @70% 1RM, rest 3m x5 sets
B. Power Clean; 1 single every 90s x8-10 sets (moderate/ tough)
For Time:
150 Wall Balls
*Max UB reps to start
20 Minute Airdyne or Row @LOW effort

-Note % of max used for PC on part B
-report score for tester as "Total time/ max UB", as well as limiting factor

HPA - Power
A. Snatch Pull Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 110l%RM x 3 sets, 2-3min
B. Muscle Snatch, build to a max
C. Front Squat @ 22X1, build to a tough single
D. Press, 1-1-1-1, 2-3 min
E. 50 Kipping HSPU to 6" Depth (perform 3 L Pull-ups OTM)

Friday, July 10, 2015

Saturday July 11, 2015-

For Time:
2,000m Row
1 Mile Run
3 Mile Airdyne

-Warm up well- this is a test.
-Wear a HR monitor/ record Avg HR if possible
-Note limiting factors (respiration, local musc end etc), and approx splits for ea/ peice. 

HPA - Power
"OC Throwdown"

For time: 
21 pull-ups
21 thrusters @ 95lb/65lb
15 ctb
15 thrusters @ 125lb/85lb
9 bar muscle-ups
9 thrusters @ 155lb/105lb

**Set 3 different Bars for true measure Vs. other scores**
**If anyone is up for the challenge I got 3:36**
@ low effort
Jog 800m
Row 1000m
Assault 4 min  

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Friday July 10, 2015-

A. Power Clean. Clean; 1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. FS; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 2-3m
EMOM for 15 Min:
1st: 2 tough CGBP
2nd: 2 tough WPU
3rd: rest

Power Snatch @135
Parallete HSPU
(Rest 3-5m)
Legless rope climb
*40m Grinding sled push b/w each rung (20m out and back)

HPA - Power
A. Squat Snatch, work to tough single
B. Power Clean & Split jerk,1.1 work to tough single
C. Power Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep every :90-2min @ 85% of Part B x 5 sets
Row 500m for time **dont hold back**
10 min recovery row  

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Wednesday July 8, 2015-

30:00 Row for Max Distance
*Note time/ avg pace/ limiting factors. 

HPA - Power
Wednesday - Snatch mod + Jerk intense + EMOM MAP High %'s
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 90% RM x 5 sets, 2 min
B. BTN Split Jerk, build to a max
C. EMOM for 10 mins:
3 MU's
3 Squat Snatch @ 135lb/95lb

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tuesday July 7, 2015-

A. Split Jerk Cluster; 1.1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B1. CGBP; 20-15-10-5, rest 2m
B2. Bent Over BB Row; 8-10x4, rest 2m
5 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Strict C2B Pullups
40m SA DB OH Carry/ arm (full shoulder protraction @top)
Rest 60s b/w sets
*Switch to strict pullups if you cannot perform 8 or more strict C2B
20 Minutes of targeted mobility/ Z1 

HPA - Power
15 sets @ high effort:
5 chest to bar
10 push-ups
15 air squats
20 du's
60 sec b/t sets
*Mix and match the order of movements every set. Only record fastest and slowest time. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Monday July 6, 2015-

A. 1 Snatch OTM until failure- start @65%, add 5-10lb every other set.
B. BS; AMRAP(-2) @70%, rest 3m x5 sets
C. GHR; 10 reps x3 sets, rest 90s (add weight if easy)
30 Second Assault Bike for Max Cals
*Warmup well for this.
10-20 Minute Z1 Assault Bike
*Get up every 4 minutes and hit a max L-sit hold 

HPA - Power 
A. Snatch, build to a single
B. Front Squat, 2 reps @ 85-88% RM every 90 sec x 3 sets
C. Press @ 20X0, 3-3-3-3, 3 min (make all sets tough with very little spread
 b/t sets)
D. AMRAP in 15 mins:
6 unbroken Press @ 115/75lb
1 legless rope climb to 15ft

Friday, July 3, 2015

Saturday July 4, 2015-

:30 Row @85%
:30 Rest
x10 sets
(rest 2m)
:30 Run @85%
:30 Rest
x10 sets
(rest 2m)
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 rest
x10 sets
(rest 2m)
20 Minute Run @low effort
*Work on mechics/ breathing.
*Post video for critique 

HPA - Power 
2 rounds for time:
10 burpees
20 alternating db power snatch @ 75lb/50lb
40 wall balls - 20lb/14lb
rest 10 min
20 minute modertae effort row
**Every 2 minutes perform 5 strict pullups + 5 strict Ring Dips** 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Friday July 3, 2015-

A. Clean Pull. Hang Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m (start mod and build)
B. Front Squat; 2-3x6, rest 2-3m
5 Minute AMRAP:
3 UB Hang Power Snatch @70%
For Time:
30 parallete HSPU

5 Sets:
AMRAP(-1) Strict Ring Muscle Up
40m Grinding Sled Push (20 out/back)
Rest 2m
EMOM for 15 Min:
1st: 3 tough CGBP
2nd: 3 tough WPU
3rd: Rest

HPA - Power
A. T&G Squat Snatch, work to tough triple
B. Below knee hang squat clean . Squat Clean . Split jerk,1.1.1 work to tough set (drop 1st squat clean from shoulders and reset)
C. Below knee hang squat clean . Squat Clean . Split jerk,1.1.1 @ 80% of part B every :90 x 5 sets
6 sets ALL OUT effort:
Row 200m
rest 3min
10 min recovery row