
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wednesday May 6, 2015-

A. Push Press. Push Jerk; 1.1x5; rest 10s/2m (no failed reps)
B1. Strict Press; 2.2x5; rest 15s/2m
B2. SA DB Row @3111; 6x5/arm; rest 2m
C1. Oxidative Pullup; AMRAP(-1), rest 30s
C2. Oxidative Diamond Pushup; AMRAP(-1); rest 30s x3 sets 

A.Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk , 1.1.2, work to a tough set
B1.Deadlift 2 reps, rest 90 seconds * drop between reps and reset
B2. Barbell strict press 1.1, rest 90 seconds x 6 sets
C1. Barbell good morning 6-8 reps, rest 1 min

C2. AMRAP strict HSPU(-1), rest 1 min x 4 sets

HPA - Power 
DL - short interval :30/:30
A. Deadlift Cluster (drop each rep from top), 1.1.1 @ 75%RM every :90 x 7 sets
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec KBS - 32kg/24kg
30 sec rest
30 sec Airdyne
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec OHS @ 95lbs/65lb
30 sec rest
30 sec Rowing
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Burpee Jumping Chin-ups - to just out of reach bar if possible
30 sec rest
30 sec Shuttle Run inside gym (30ft turn around)
30 sec rest


  1. Blue

    A. 95/115/135/155/170(f)/165
    B1. 305/315/325/335(f on 2nd rep)/330/325
    B2. 115/120/125(f on 2nd rep)/120/120/120
    C1. 95/105/110/110
    C2. 0/1/1/1 - switched to 0.5" deficit after fail on 1st set

  2. Power

    A. 370 - belt on today, felt really good by last few sets, good speed
    5 sets
    18 russian KBS 70lbs
    12 cals airdyne
    5 mins
    3 sets (started 4th set and low back was super pumped and had ton of lactic acid)
    95 OHS x 12, 11, 10, 5
    box jumps x 10, 9, 8 - no rower, on my wish list
    5 mins
    5 sets (kept at comfortable pace just to finish, still got decent breathing work)
    6 burpee jumping pullups
    7 cals airdyne - no space to run

    Deadlifts felt really good. May have pushed too hard on kbs/airdyne, was definitely getting some lactic build up in last couple rounds and wasn't recovered enough by the time I started OHS/BJ, low back was burning big time from start. I may have could have pushed through and finished the OHS/BJ but I think that would have completely finished me and would not have got the next 10 mins of work in. While I significantly slowed the pace on the burpee pullups/airdyne I still felt it was a good pace because of worked I had done previous. So so session on conditioning today, struggling with pacing on this movement. I was attempting to add pace from last week on airdyne and not sure that was a good idea, plus doing russian swings I got a lot more reps so that added to it as well.
