
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monday June 1, 2015-

A. Snatch From blocks (above knee); 2-2-2-1-1-1, rest 2m
B. Back Squat Cluster;  4.4x5, rest 20s/2m
C1. Russian KBS; 10-15 x3, rest 20s (AHAP)
C2. Box Jump Cluster; 1.1.1x3, rest 10s/20s
C3. 10 second AD Sprint @100%, rest 2:30 x3 sets 

A. Above knee Hang Snatch 3,3,3,2,2,2 rest 2 min ( no dropping between reps)
B. Back Squat 3.3.3 x 3 sets, rest :20/ rest 3 min 
5 sets:
50 Double unders

rest :10  
20 unbroken KBS 32/24KG
rest :20  

10 Fast burpees 
rest 1:30 

HPA - Power 
Snatch intense + FSq int + Press + Upper CP Battery
A. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, 2 tough reps x 5 sets, 2-3 min - no dropping bar
B. Front Squat, build to a max 
C. Standing Btn Strict Press @ 21X1, 4-4-2-2, 3 min (go up in weight each set)
D. 10 rounds for time:
3 Kipping HSPU to 5" Depth
3 Ring Muscle-ups


  1. Blue

    New I was going to be short on time, so had to skip A and only able to do 3 rounds of C.

    A. Had to skip:-(
    B. 215/220/225
    C. 2:25/2:19/3:04 - Double unders sucked on set 1. Not sure what was going on there. Second set was unbroken. Broke 3rd set into 2 sets of 25. All KBs unbroken (but 24 kg...heaviest I have).

  2. Blue

    New I was going to be short on time, so had to skip A and only able to do 3 rounds of C.

    A. Had to skip:-(
    B. 215/220/225
    C. 2:25/2:19/3:04 - Double unders sucked on set 1. Not sure what was going on there. Second set was unbroken. Broke 3rd set into 2 sets of 25. All KBs unbroken (but 24 kg...heaviest I have).

  3. Power

    A. 165x2x5 sets - had to strap up here today, I have a sore thumb, like not the skin from hooking its on the inside of my second knuckle near the ulnar collateral ligament, I tore it probably 11-12 years ago playing basketball and it feels similar to that but not near as bad, strength is still good, hoping just a strain or sprain

    B. 275, 305, 330 - most I have hit in 2-3 years

    C. 95x4, 115x4, 125x2, 140x2 - last set pretty tough

    D. 10:54 - did all sets unbroken except for 1 of HSPU and it's because I have a hole in my wall where I have been doing HSPU and my foot got caught, need to fix that. And I am lowering WAY too slowly on my deficit HSPU, creates a lot more fatigue than necessary. Although I have tweaked my neck a couple times in the last couple months that required a chiropractor visit so probably tentative due to that.

    All in all good day though.

    1. After paying attention today I actually think my thumb sprain has nothing to do with training but with picking my son up off the floor 40 times a day lol. I always have my fingers under his armpits and my thumbs in front. Gotta be from that.

  4. Power:

    A. Could not do. Coming back from a wrist injury.
    B. 265#
    C. 115,125,135,145
    D. 9:50. Doing handstand at a deficit and on dumbells. Trying to keep wrist in line. To me the dumbells made this much harder.

  5. Power:
    A. Only worked up to 85# due to time.
    B. 180#
    C. 85- 90- 95- 97
    D. 15:45- def HSPU were unbroken and fine. MU were at first in 3s then 2s and 1s.

  6. Power:

    A. 55kg x2 - 57,5kg x1 - 60kg x2

    B. 115kg

    C. 50kg x4 - 60kg x4 - 65kg x2 - 70kg missed both attempts. I believe that 67.5kg I would have made.

    D. Got very frustrated with the ring muscle ups. It has been a while since I last did one. I have been trying to get the regular grip muscle ups down. As I have a lot of problem holding the false grip and fully extend my arms at the bottom.. So I gave up on this one.
