
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday March 23, 2015-

A. 1 Snatch Very 90s until failure; start at 75% and add 5-10lb/set
B. BS: 3-3-3-2-2-2; rest 2-3m
C. SA DB OH Walking Lunge; 100ft/arm x5 sets; rest 60s b/w arms
3 Rounds @Z1
20m Forward Bear Crawl
20m Reverse Bear Crawl
40 cal Row
1 Min FLR
1/2 mile Airdyne 

  1. Above knee hang snatch. Snatch, work to a moderate set
  2. Power Clean. Push Jerk , work to a single ( touch and go from the shoulders)
  3. Front squat @ 22X1, work to a tough 2
  4. AMRAP unbroken muscle up (-1), rest 90 seconds x 5 sets


Re-test Open workout 15.4

HPA - Power 
Snatch Varied - C&J varied - repeats
A. T&G squat snatch, work to tough double
B. Power Clean . Push Jerk, 3.3 -- work to tough set (power clean T&G)
5 sets @ 90%
7 Thrusters 135lb/95lb
9 burpee Box jumps @ 24"
7 Power Clean 135lb/95lb
rest 2min 

Option 2: redo open wod  


  1. 67 reps retest
    3 sets of amrap MU 6, 6, 6 .

  2. Blue


    A) 185#, failed the snatch part @195#
    B) 205# (TnG), Hit 225# but wasn't TnG.
    *205# felt easy, but different story for 225#
    C) 245#
    D) 3,3,3, (3 Sets only due to time)
    *Mu's are starting to feel better
    *Tough training day, defiantly have to get use to training at night now. Felt a little off. Warmup was short and not as long as I like due to time.

  3. Gold

    A) 160-200 by 5#
    B) 315-325-335-345-355-355
    C) all sets at 45#
