
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wednesday April 1, 2015-

For Time:
300 ca Airdyne (200 cals if using assault bike)
200 Double Unders
1,000m Row

-take note of total time, as well as time after AD and DU's
-ntoe limiting factors (ie- respiration, locaized musclar endurance, cognitive fatigue etc)

3 sets @ 80,85,90%
1000m row
100 double unders
rest= work

HPA - Power
Squat (int) - snatch (mod) - clean battery
A. Back squat 20X1, work to moderate set of 5 reps within 5 sets (nothing more than 80%RM)
Squat snatch, 1 rep every 1 minute x 10 sets (use 65-75%RM)

C. Power Clean & Push jerk, 1 rep every :80, start @ 60%RM and add 1lb per set until you reach a tough set

Hold hanging L-sit for :08-:15 every 1 minute x 8 sets

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday March 31, 2015-

A. DB Bench Press; 8-10x4; rest 60-90s b/w sets (use this to get warm /prepped for B)
B. CGBP; 5x5; rest 2m (keep reps explosive)
C. Chest Supported BB Row; 14-12-10-8; rest 2m
D. Loaded Hang From Bar; 20-30s x2-3 sets; rest 60-90s (use jsut enough weight to feel the stretch in lats)


A. Standing strict press, work to a tough set of 3 
B. Weighted pronated chin up, work to a max
10 min EMOM: 1st: 2-3 RIng Muscle up
2nd: 5/5 Alt pistols
+ 10 min EMOM: 1st: 8-10 Kipping HSPU 2nd: 3 tng power clean, tough weight 

HPA - Power
Tue - split jerk - gymnastic
A. Split jerk, 1 rep every :70 x 10 sets ( all sets @ 70%RM )
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: 3 WTD pullups
2nd min: 3 push press (not too tough -- just get the job done)
rest 5 min
EMOM for 12 minutes:
1std min: 3-4 Ring Muscle ups
2nd min: 5/5 alt pistols
3rd min: 6 strict handstand push ups (adjust deficit to make tough)
10 min recovery row

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015-

This will be a transition week for HPA Gold. Volume/ Intensity will be moderate this week, and we will get touches on elements you havent seen in awhile. Also note that we will begin the off season cycle next week. If anyone following this program qualified for regionals (or is going as part of a team) contact me personally at and I will write you individualized programming leading into the event for no charge since this program will be moving into an offseason phase (in order to accommodate the majority).


A. Power Clean & PJ; build to a tough single
5 Rounds For Time @85%
5 G2OH @77% of "A"- all reps as singles
5 Box Jump Step down @34/24"
10 Min Airdyne @75-80%

Option 2:
Retest Open 15.5

Same format as HPA-GOLD, for anyone looking for a personal program going into regionals email

A. Power Snatch 1.1, work to a challenging set
B. Power Clean. Push Jerk , work to a challenging set ( touch and go from the shoulders)
3 sets @ 85%
1 min Airbike
1 min burpee to 6" touch
1 min Power snatch 115/ 75# ( drop every rep)
rest 3 min

Option 2: 
Re-test Open 15.5 

HPA - Power 
Similar to gold program this will be a transitioning week from anyone who may have been competing in this 5 week open qualifier. All movements will be similar to the last 5-6 weeks however a slight deload on volume/intensity. Following this upcoming week will be a testing phase and for anyone who qualified for regionals, I would not recommend this testing phase. Please email me directly at and we can take measures from there. 
A. Power snatch . Above knee hang power snatch, 1.1 - work to tough set without dropping bar
B. Power Clean & Push Jerk, work to tough rep (no pause no re dip into push jerk)
5 sets @ 85% effort
5 Power clean & Jerk @ 155lb/115lb (all singles) 

5 Front Squat @ same weight
5 Deadlifts @ same weight
30 Double Unders
rest 2min

Option 2: retest open 15.5

Friday, March 27, 2015

Saturday March 28, 2015-

HPA GOLD, BLUE, & Power-
Open WOD 15.5
*Post score & event recap to comments. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Friday March 27, 2015-

A. PC & PJ; 1 rep every 90s x6 sets (moderate effort)
B. Snatch Pull; 3x3; rest 3m (drop b/w reps)
10-15 Minute Open Prep
3 Sets @85%
40 cal Row
10 Burpee over rower
Rest 3m


Muscle snatch. Hang power snatch 1.2, work to a tough set
Thruster. Push Jerk 1.1, work to a moderate set
10-15 min open prep

5 min airbike  @85-90%, rest 5 min x 2 

HPA - Power
Snatch - Clean - push press/ jerk - cyclical
A. Snatch Balance, 1 rep every minute x 10 sets
B. Front Squat . Split jerk, build to tough 1 rep
C.Open Prep /aerobic work
10 sets:
20 cal row @ 90% effort
rest = work
**if you'd like then add a couple of thrusters to see how the reps will feel getting off the rower**  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015-

A. Clean Grip DL; 2x5; rest 2m
30 Sets:
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Airdyne @50%

30 cal Row
20 Thruster 65/45
10 Box jump over 24/20
rest = work x 5 sets

10 min easy airbike

HPA - Power
Squat (int) - snatch (mod) - clean battery
A. Back squat 20X1, work to tough set of 1 rep
Squat snatch, work to tough single

C. Power Clean . Thruster . Push jerk, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set

EMOM until failure:

Perform 2 Burpees + 2 Thrusters starting @ 135b/95lb -- add 10b per set until failure

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2-3m (drop to blocks b/w reps on 3/2's)
10 Rounds for Time:
1 Legless Rope Climb
200ft Run (100ft out and back)
3 Sets:
AMRAP (-1) DB Bench Press
Rest 2m
*total weight b/w arms = 40-45% CGBP max


  1. Strict press, work to a single
  2. Weighted chin up, work to a single
  3. 1>10 unbroken C2B ladder
  4. 15 thrusters @ 95/65 unbroken x 4 sets, for time

HPA - Power
Tue - split jerk - gymnastic
A. Thruster . Push Press . split jerk, 1.1.2 x 8 sets rest 1 min -1m30
**start low and progress to slightly above moderate**
EMOM for 20 minutes:
1st min: 3-5 Bar muscle ups
2nd min: 3 Left leg wtd pistols
3rd min: 8-12 ub toes to bar
4th min: 3 Right Leg wtd pistols
10 min recovery row

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday March 23, 2015-

A. 1 Snatch Very 90s until failure; start at 75% and add 5-10lb/set
B. BS: 3-3-3-2-2-2; rest 2-3m
C. SA DB OH Walking Lunge; 100ft/arm x5 sets; rest 60s b/w arms
3 Rounds @Z1
20m Forward Bear Crawl
20m Reverse Bear Crawl
40 cal Row
1 Min FLR
1/2 mile Airdyne 

  1. Above knee hang snatch. Snatch, work to a moderate set
  2. Power Clean. Push Jerk , work to a single ( touch and go from the shoulders)
  3. Front squat @ 22X1, work to a tough 2
  4. AMRAP unbroken muscle up (-1), rest 90 seconds x 5 sets


Re-test Open workout 15.4

HPA - Power 
Snatch Varied - C&J varied - repeats
A. T&G squat snatch, work to tough double
B. Power Clean . Push Jerk, 3.3 -- work to tough set (power clean T&G)
5 sets @ 90%
7 Thrusters 135lb/95lb
9 burpee Box jumps @ 24"
7 Power Clean 135lb/95lb
rest 2min 

Option 2: redo open wod  

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Friday March 20, 2015-

A. Muscle Snatch; 1 rep every 90s x6-8 sets (start moderate and build)
B. Hang PC. Hang Clean; 2.1; rest 2m (no drop. moderate effort)
C. Pause FS; 2x5; rest 2m (2s pause)
10-15 Minute Open Prep
5 Sets:
:60 Airdyne @85%
:60 Airdyne @50

A.Power snatch 1.1 x 4 sets, rest 2 min ( moderate weight)
B. Clean. Thruster . Split Jerk 1.1.1 x 4 sets , rest 2 min ( moderate weight)
C.Back squat @ 50X0, work to a tough 3
D. 10-15 min open prep, just feel it out
5 sets on airbike:
1 min @ 85-90%

1 min @ 50%

HPA - Power 
Snatch - Clean - push press/ jerk - cyclical
A. Snatch Balance, 2 reps x 7 sets rest :90
B. Power Clean & split Jerk cluster, 1 rep per minute x 10 sets (use modertae load)
C.Open Prep for 10 min ONLY -- mess around and just see how diff weights
and combos feel preceeding one another. DO NOT TAX YOURSELF DOING SO.
Purely strategy sets
10 sets:
Assault :30 @ 85%
Assault :30 @ 50%  

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wednesday March 18, 2015-

A. Deadlift; build to a moderate single (no grinding reps)
10 Minute AMRAP @85%
2,4,6,8... etc.
Power Clean @115
Lateral Bar Burpee
Assault Bike cals x10 (ie- 20,40,60...etc)
10 Minute Row @85%
*18-20 SPM @5 damper 

HPA- Blue 
4 sets @ high effort:
40 cal row
30 Box jump over 24”
20 Burpee Box jump over 24”
10 Power Clean & overhead 135# ( drop every rep)
rest 4-5 min between sets
20 min easy Airbike 

HPA - Power
Squat (int) - snatch (mod) - clean battery
A. Back squat 20X1, work to tough set of 3 reps
B. High Hang squat snatch . Above knee hang squat snatch . below knee hang squat snatch 1.1.1 -- work to tough 

C. Power Clean & Push Press Cluster, -- work to tough set 

EMOM until failure: 
Perform 1 Power clean & overhead 135lb/95b --- add 1 rep each minute until you can not complete the given amount of reps for that minute. (1st minute - 1 rep, 2nd min - 2 reps, 3rd min 3 reps, so on and so forth...)  

Monday, March 16, 2015

Tuesday March 17, 2015-

A. Push Press; 2x5; rest 2m (heavier than last week)
B. Chest Supported BB Row; 5x5; rest 2m (heavier than last week)
5 Rounds For Time:
6 Strict HSPU @4"
1 L-Sit Rope Climb
*Scale to legless is no L-Sit RC
3 Sets:
8-10 Powel Raise/ arm @2020 tempo
rest 30s/ between arms 

HPA- Blue 
A.Weighted Dip @ 51X1, 3 reps x 3 sets, rest 2 min 
B, Weighted Pull up @ 30X0 3 reps x 3 sets, rest 2 min
1>10 ladder For time
Unbroken C2B pull up
Unbroken Kipping HSPU ( no deficit) 

HPA - Power 
Tue - split jerk - gymnastic -
A. Split Jerk, 1 rep every 1 minute x 12 sets (move up every set)
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st minute: 3-6 unbroken ring muscle ups
2nd minute: 5/5 Wtd Pistols
rest 5 min
5 sets @ consistent effort:
5 Cals on assault
10 Kipping Handstand push ups
10 Pullups
rest 1m30  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015-

Option 1:
A. Snatch; 2 tng reps every 90s until failure- start @75% and add 5-10lb/set
B. Clean Pull. Hang Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m (no drop b/w)
C. BS; 2-4x5; rest 2-3m
20 Minute AMRAP @low effort
1 mile assault bike
40m Bear Crawl
500m Row

Option 2:
Retest 15.3

A. Heaving snatch balance. Snatch balance,  work to a moderate set 
B. Power Clean. Split Jerk 1 fast rep OTM for 10 min , start @ 60%, add 5# per minute
C. Front Squat @ 22X1, work to a tough 3 
D. 5 Rounds for time:
10 wall ball 20/14 to 10/9ft
10 toes to bar
10 box jump 24/20”

Option 2: Re-test open workout 15.3 

HPA - Power
Option 1:
Mon - Snatch Varied - C&J varied - repeats
A. Squat snatch, work to tough single
B. Power Clean & Split Jerk- work to tough single
5 sets @ 90%
10 cals on rower
5 Burpee Box jumps @ 24"
10 Power Clean & Jerk @ 135lb - all singles
rest 2 min b/t sets

Option 2:
Re-test CF open 15.3

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Saturday March 14, 2015-

Open WOD 15.3

Friday March 13, 2015-

A. Snatch; build to a moderate single (80-85% 1RM)
B. Clean & Jerk; build to a moderate single (80-85% 1RM)
C. BS; 3-5 x3; rest 2-3m
10-15 Minute Open Prep
5 Sets:
:60 Airdyne @85%
:60 Airdyne @50%

A. Below Knee hang snatch. OHS, work to a tough set 
B. Power Clean. Push Jerk 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 2 min all moderate weight
C. Back squat 1 fast rep every other minute for 10 min @ 90-92
D. 10-15 min easy Open 15.3 prep
E. 10 sets airbike:
30 seconds @ 85-90%/ 30 seconds @ 50%

HPA - Power 
Snatch - Clean - push press/ jerk - cyclical
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep x 5 sets rest 2 -- (try for all sets over 85% of previous PR)
B. Power Clean to Push Jerk , 1 rep -- no pause no redip from power
clean to push jerk -- work to tough set
C. Open Prep for 10 min ONLY -- mess around and just see how diff weights
and combos feel preceeding one another. DO NOT TAX YOURSELF DOING SO.
Purely strategy sets
12 sets:
Row :30 @ 85%
Row :30 @ 50% 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wednesday March 11, 2015-

A. Deficit Deadlift; 1.1x5 sets; rest 15s/2m (nothing too heavy. keep reps fast/smooth)
3 Sets @85%
20 Wall Ball @20/14"
15 KBS @1.5/1
10 T2B
Rest 2m b/w sets
3 Mile Airdyne @80-85%

3 sets @ high effort:
1000m row
150 double unders
25 burpee to 6” target
rest 4-5 min between rounds
2 sets @ moderate:
2 min row
2 min rest
2 min airbike
2 min rest
2 min box jump step ups 24/20”
2 min rest 

HPA - Power
Squat (int) - snatch (mod) - clean battery
A. Back squat 20X1, work to tough set of 4 reps
B. Squat Snatch . Below knee hang squat snatch 1.1 -- work to tough set
Power Clean . Front Squat . Split jerk, 1.1.1 @ 265lb/185lb every :90 x 7 sets
rest 1 minute

Power Clean . Squat Clean . Split jerk, 1.1.1 @ 225lb/155lb every :60 x 6 sets (drop power clean from shoulders)
rest 1 minute

3 unbroken thrusters @ 175lb/125lb every :45 x 5 sets
*If you need to scale up or down, look for first weight to about 80% 1 rep C&J, then drop off about 15%-ish each set below**