
Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014-

20 Sets:
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Airdyne @Z1
20 Minute AMRAP @85%
60 cal Row
10 DB Burpee DL @25/15 per hand
60 cal Aidyne
10 Toes to Bar 

HPA- Blue 

A.Weighted Dip 8,8,6,6 rest 2-3 min 
B. AMRAP unbroken Strict HSPU , rest 2 min x 5 sets 
3 Rounds for Time;
300m row 
15 KBS 53/35
18 Box jumps 24/20 

HPA Power 
Gymnastic & Upper body endurance
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Press rest :10
9 kipping deficit hspu @ 6"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Pronated Pullups rest :10
6 CTB Pullups rest :10
12 Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Tough bench press rest :10
12-15 Unbroken Kipping ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
Hanging L-sit :06-:08 rest :10
10 Unbroken toes to bar
rest 1m30 


  1. Blue


    A) Bench Dips w/feet elevated on a box: 10,10 w/25# plate, 8,8 w/55# plate
    B) Strict DB Press w/55#: 10,7,6,6,5
    *Stayed consistent all the way through. Box jumps were slightly slower than I would like but knee isn't completely over the tendonitis yet. Feels way better today then it did yesterday.
    *Modified the strength portion, I just can't apply that kind of pressure on my hand yet.

  2. Blue

    A: 15 (8), 17.5 (8), 20 (5), 20 (5)
    B: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 feet on 32'' pike position

    10:37, box jumps=step down, always have been slow, kinda getting better but not there yet

    *had a couple of weeks break from the HPA programming. injured my quad about 5 weeks ago and thought I could fight through it but paint kept coming back after every squat movement. Yesterday I squatted up to 100kg and it felt ok so I think I can be back at it from now on.

  3. 327 cal or 10.8km not sure if you wanted anything.
    2 rounds + 44 cal on rower

  4. Gold

    20 sets

    Done, stayed at 75+ RPM for 85% and 50+ RPM for Z1


    1+43 Cal on AD

    Did saturdays workout in the AM because I couldn't do it Saturday, definitely felt it in todays workout.

  5. Blue

    A. 53x7, 40x8, 40x8, 42.5x5, 40x5
    B. 6, 6, 2, 1, 0

    First started too hot on the dips and then fell off at the end. That pretty much sapped my push strength for the HSPUs. Also, did burpees in place of KBS because my back is recovering from injury.

  6. Blue

    Dips 8kg (8), 8kg (8), 12kg (6), 16kg (4)

    HSPU 10, 9, 8, 7, 7,


  7. Blue

    A. 10, 25, 45, 53
    B. 9, 5, 5, 4, 3

  8. Blue:
    A. All dips with smallest band
    B. 2, 2, 1, 2, 1

  9. Blue:
    A. 5lbs, 5lbs, 16kg, 16kg
    B. 11, 8, 6, 5, 5
