
Friday, October 31, 2014

Saturday November 1, 2014-

2 Sets of the Following @high sustainable effort:
5 Minute AMRAP:
300m Row
15 Burpee to 6" Touch
Rest 5m
5 Minute AMRAP:
20 Cal AD
7/7 KB Snatch (1.5/1)
7 T2B
Rest 5m
5 Minute AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls
2 Rope Climbs
30 DU's
Rest 5m, then start back from top.

HPA- Blue

A. Strict Press 8,8,6,6 rest 2-3 min 
B. 7-10 C2B pull ups OTM for 10 min 
15 min AMRAP
21 cal row
15 Power snatch 75/55

9 Burpee Over the bar 

HPA - Power
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 70%RM x 11 sets rest 1m20
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 5 reps x 5 sets rest 1m3-2min
EMOM for 21 minutes:
1st minute: 3 Tough T&G Power snatches
2nd minute: 3-4 Tough Thrusters (same weight as power snatches)
3rd minute: 6-8 Strict Pronated Pullups
for 1st and 2nd minute movement should be challenging yet repeatable.
Strict Pullups should be an unbroken set (at the very least two sets done in less than :20 seconds)


  1. Blue


    A) 95#x8, 95#8, 135#x6, 140#x6 (4+2)
    *This felt heavy today, maybe from the thrusters yesterday.
    B) Completed:
    *Did 7 reps EMOM to work on consistency with my butterfly C2B. 7min complete with butterfly last 3min with kipping all UB.
    15 Min AMRAP
    -4rds+4 Cals

    1. Hammies and lower back were pretty sore from yesterday

  2. Blue

    A. 105, 110, 115, 120
    B. Scaled to 4 OTM
    5 rounds

    Substituted 24" step-ups for the power snatches. My back is getting better but still a little tender.

  3. Gold

    Set 1
    2+13 Cal
    2+1 RC

    Set 2
    2 Rds
    2+9 Cal
    2+1 RC

  4. Set 1
    2 rounds + 200m row
    2 rounds + 20 cal
    3 rounds
    Set 2
    2 rounds + 160m row
    2 rounds + 17 cal
    2 rounds + 26 du
