2 Sets of the Following @high sustainable effort:
5 Minute AMRAP:
300m Row
15 Burpee to 6" Touch
Rest 5m
5 Minute AMRAP:
20 Cal AD
7/7 KB Snatch (1.5/1)
7 T2B
Rest 5m
5 Minute AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls
2 Rope Climbs
30 DU's
Rest 5m, then start back from top.
HPA- Blue
A. Strict Press 8,8,6,6 rest 2-3 min
B. 7-10 C2B pull ups OTM for 10 min
15 min AMRAP
21 cal row
15 Power snatch 75/55
9 Burpee Over the bar
HPA - Power
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 70%RM x 11 sets rest 1m20
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 5 reps x 5 sets rest 1m3-2min
EMOM for 21 minutes:
1st minute: 3 Tough T&G Power snatches
2nd minute: 3-4 Tough Thrusters (same weight as power snatches)
3rd minute: 6-8 Strict Pronated Pullups
for 1st and 2nd minute movement should be challenging yet repeatable.
Strict Pullups should be an unbroken set (at the very least two sets done in less than :20 seconds)
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Friday October 31, 2014-
A. Snatch Pull. Hang PS. Hang Snatch; build to a tough set
B. BS; build to a tough set of 5
C. Tng Deadlift; 3-5x3; rest 2-3m
For Time:
30 Defecit HSPU- @6"/4"
Box Jump Step Down (24/20)
HPA- Blue
A. Above knee hang clean 3,3,2,2,1,1 rest 2-3 min ( 3's and twos are connected w/o dropping)
B. Deadlift, build to a tough touch and go set of 5
50 Thrusters for time @ 50% 1RM thruster
HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Power snatch . Hang Squat snatch, 1.1 --- work to challenging set within 6-7 sets
B. Front Squat, work to tough 3 rep within 5-6 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press, 3 TOUGH reps x 5 sets rest 2-3 min
For time:
[1 Ring Muscle up + 2 Ring DIps] x 15 reps
** No muscle up then scale to the below**
15 rounds for time:
3 CTB Pullups
3 Ring DIps
A. Snatch Pull. Hang PS. Hang Snatch; build to a tough set
B. BS; build to a tough set of 5
C. Tng Deadlift; 3-5x3; rest 2-3m
For Time:
30 Defecit HSPU- @6"/4"
Box Jump Step Down (24/20)
HPA- Blue
A. Above knee hang clean 3,3,2,2,1,1 rest 2-3 min ( 3's and twos are connected w/o dropping)
B. Deadlift, build to a tough touch and go set of 5
50 Thrusters for time @ 50% 1RM thruster
HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Power snatch . Hang Squat snatch, 1.1 --- work to challenging set within 6-7 sets
B. Front Squat, work to tough 3 rep within 5-6 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press, 3 TOUGH reps x 5 sets rest 2-3 min
For time:
[1 Ring Muscle up + 2 Ring DIps] x 15 reps
** No muscle up then scale to the below**
15 rounds for time:
3 CTB Pullups
3 Ring DIps
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Wednesday October 29, 2014-
EMOM for 16 Min (4 Sets):
1st: 5 Push Press
2nd: 3 Push Jerk
3rd: 1 Split Jerk
4th: Rest
*Same wt. for all three movements. Let Push Press dictate load.
Every Other Minute for 8 Minutes (4 Sets):
2 Wtd. Pullups- AHAP while keeping perfect form w/ full ROM
3 Sets @high sustainable effort
30 Wall Balls
30 DU
7 Muscle Ups (5 for female)
Rest 3m b/w sets
*Goal is consistency from round to round.
HPA- Blue
A. Above knee hang snatch 3,3,2,2,1,1 rest 2 min
B. AMRAP Muscle up (-2) , rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
* AMRAP (-2) designates repeatable efforts
5 rounds for time:
5 power clean (225/185)**
10 toes to bar
*AMRAP (-2) designates repeatable efforts, no muscle ups work ring transitions
** PC should be challenging but doable, scale appropriately
HPA - Power
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to tough 4 rep
B. T&G Deadlift, 4 reps @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
C.Mid Hang Power snatch . Mid Hang Squat snatch. Snatch balance,
1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 10 sets (1st 5 sets use no lighter than 55-58%RM
of squat snatch, 2nd 5 sets 60-63%RM)
D. Mid hang Power clean . Mid Hang Squat Clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 7 sets (use no lighter than 60%RM)
Double Arm Trap 3 raise on medium incline @ 2016, 4-6 reps x 4 sets rest as needed
EMOM for 16 Min (4 Sets):
1st: 5 Push Press
2nd: 3 Push Jerk
3rd: 1 Split Jerk
4th: Rest
*Same wt. for all three movements. Let Push Press dictate load.
Every Other Minute for 8 Minutes (4 Sets):
2 Wtd. Pullups- AHAP while keeping perfect form w/ full ROM
3 Sets @high sustainable effort
30 Wall Balls
30 DU
7 Muscle Ups (5 for female)
Rest 3m b/w sets
*Goal is consistency from round to round.
HPA- Blue
A. Above knee hang snatch 3,3,2,2,1,1 rest 2 min
B. AMRAP Muscle up (-2) , rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
* AMRAP (-2) designates repeatable efforts
5 rounds for time:
5 power clean (225/185)**
10 toes to bar
*AMRAP (-2) designates repeatable efforts, no muscle ups work ring transitions
** PC should be challenging but doable, scale appropriately
HPA - Power
LB Pull - snatch (tech) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to tough 4 rep
B. T&G Deadlift, 4 reps @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
C.Mid Hang Power snatch . Mid Hang Squat snatch. Snatch balance,
1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 10 sets (1st 5 sets use no lighter than 55-58%RM
of squat snatch, 2nd 5 sets 60-63%RM)
D. Mid hang Power clean . Mid Hang Squat Clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 7 sets (use no lighter than 60%RM)
Double Arm Trap 3 raise on medium incline @ 2016, 4-6 reps x 4 sets rest as needed
Monday, October 27, 2014
Tuesday October 28, 2014-
20 Sets:
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Airdyne @Z1
20 Minute AMRAP @85%
60 cal Row
10 DB Burpee DL @25/15 per hand
60 cal Aidyne
10 Toes to Bar
HPA- Blue
HPA Power
Gymnastic & Upper body endurance
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Press rest :10
9 kipping deficit hspu @ 6"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Pronated Pullups rest :10
6 CTB Pullups rest :10
12 Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Tough bench press rest :10
12-15 Unbroken Kipping ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
Hanging L-sit :06-:08 rest :10
10 Unbroken toes to bar
rest 1m30
20 Sets:
:30 Airdyne @85%
:30 Airdyne @Z1
20 Minute AMRAP @85%
60 cal Row
10 DB Burpee DL @25/15 per hand
60 cal Aidyne
10 Toes to Bar
HPA- Blue
A.Weighted Dip 8,8,6,6 rest 2-3 min
B. AMRAP unbroken Strict HSPU , rest 2 min x 5 sets
3 Rounds for Time;
300m row
15 KBS 53/35
18 Box jumps 24/20
Gymnastic & Upper body endurance
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Press rest :10
9 kipping deficit hspu @ 6"
rest 2m30
*Scale to appropriate deficit to acheive rep range*
5 sets:
2 Wtd Pronated Pullups rest :10
6 CTB Pullups rest :10
12 Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Tough bench press rest :10
12-15 Unbroken Kipping ring dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
Hanging L-sit :06-:08 rest :10
10 Unbroken toes to bar
rest 1m30
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Monday October 27, 2014-
Attention HP-Athletes:
This week we will be doing some data collection; and would appreciate if you can fill out the following, short, survey. This will help us get a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish in the short/ long term, and where you stand relative to those goals (based on previous/ upcoming testing). This will also help us get an idea of how many people are currently following each focus group- since a lot of followers do not post on a regular basis and we want to make sure they are accounted for in the group avatar.
HPA Focus Group (gold, blue, power):
Region/ Affiliate:
Placing in last years open/regionals:
Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goals:
Perceived Strengths:
Perceived Weaknesses:
Sporting History/ Background:
-High Performance Athlete
A. PC. Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m
B. BS; 2 reps x7 sets; rest 2-3m (all tough sets, but don't go for broke)
4 Sets- for max reps:
:30 Hang Power Clean (135/95#)
:30 Rest
:30 DB Thruster (40/30 per hand)
:30 Rest
:30 DU's
Rest 2-3m
*Goal is as many reps as possible each set, whist maintaining output from set to set (ie- dont go 100% on set one and burn yourself out).
HPA- Blue
A. Power Clean 1.1 x 4 sets, rest 2 min
B. Back Squat , 3 tough reps x 5 sets, rest 2-3 min
Four sets of the following:
:30 Tng Squat Clean 135/95
rest :15
:30 C2B pull up
rest :15
:30 Double under
rest 2 min
HPA - Power
Mon - C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Power Clean & Push Jerk, 1RM
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to tough 4 rep
C1. Wtd Supinated chinup @ 30X1, 2 tough reps x 5 sets rest 1 min
C2. Push press, 3-2-1-2-3 rest 1 min
**Make sure 1 rep on part C2 is NOT an absolute max but instead just a challenging rep. Also, make 2nd set of (2) and 2nd set of (3) heavier than that of the first sets. Plan accordingly however do not baby the first 2 sets**
This week we will be doing some data collection; and would appreciate if you can fill out the following, short, survey. This will help us get a better understanding of what you are trying to accomplish in the short/ long term, and where you stand relative to those goals (based on previous/ upcoming testing). This will also help us get an idea of how many people are currently following each focus group- since a lot of followers do not post on a regular basis and we want to make sure they are accounted for in the group avatar.
HPA Focus Group (gold, blue, power):
Region/ Affiliate:
Placing in last years open/regionals:
Short Term Goals:
Long Term Goals:
Perceived Strengths:
Perceived Weaknesses:
Sporting History/ Background:
-High Performance Athlete
A. PC. Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m
B. BS; 2 reps x7 sets; rest 2-3m (all tough sets, but don't go for broke)
4 Sets- for max reps:
:30 Hang Power Clean (135/95#)
:30 Rest
:30 DB Thruster (40/30 per hand)
:30 Rest
:30 DU's
Rest 2-3m
*Goal is as many reps as possible each set, whist maintaining output from set to set (ie- dont go 100% on set one and burn yourself out).
HPA- Blue
A. Power Clean 1.1 x 4 sets, rest 2 min
B. Back Squat , 3 tough reps x 5 sets, rest 2-3 min
Four sets of the following:
:30 Tng Squat Clean 135/95
rest :15
:30 C2B pull up
rest :15
:30 Double under
rest 2 min
HPA - Power
Mon - C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Power Clean & Push Jerk, 1RM
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to tough 4 rep
C1. Wtd Supinated chinup @ 30X1, 2 tough reps x 5 sets rest 1 min
C2. Push press, 3-2-1-2-3 rest 1 min
**Make sure 1 rep on part C2 is NOT an absolute max but instead just a challenging rep. Also, make 2nd set of (2) and 2nd set of (3) heavier than that of the first sets. Plan accordingly however do not baby the first 2 sets**
Friday, October 24, 2014
Saturday October 25, 2014-
2 Sets of the Following @high sustainable effort.
6 Minute AMRAP:
12 DB Burpee DL (40#/arm, 20#/arm)
20 cal Airdyne
12 Toes To Bar
Rest 6 Min
6 Minute AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
20m Shuttle run x4 (there and back = 1)
12 Hand Release Pushups
Rest 6 Min
6 Minute AMRAP:
15 KBS (1.5/1)
250m Row
15 Box Jump Step Down (24/20")
Rest 6 minutes, then start back from the top (try to stay consistent the second time through).
HPA- Blue
2 sets of the following @ high effort:
5 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
10 Box jump 30/ 24
rest 5 min
5 min AMRAP
15 KBS 1.5/1
15 wall ball 20/14
rest 5 min
5 min AMRAP
20 cal row
20 burpees to 6" touch (rest 5 min then back to the top)
HPA Power
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 65%RM x 12 sets rest 1 min
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 6 reps x 4 sets rest 1m3-2min
EMOM for 18 minutes:
1st minute: 3 tough OH squats (power snatch first rep)
2nd minute: 3 Tough Wtd supinated Chin ups
3rd minute: 12 CTB Pullups
**weights for 1st and 2nd minute movement should be challenging yet repeatable. CTB Pullups should be done in no more than :20. If it is going to take longer than this than scale down to regular pullups**
2 Sets of the Following @high sustainable effort.
6 Minute AMRAP:
12 DB Burpee DL (40#/arm, 20#/arm)
20 cal Airdyne
12 Toes To Bar
Rest 6 Min
6 Minute AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs
20m Shuttle run x4 (there and back = 1)
12 Hand Release Pushups
Rest 6 Min
6 Minute AMRAP:
15 KBS (1.5/1)
250m Row
15 Box Jump Step Down (24/20")
Rest 6 minutes, then start back from the top (try to stay consistent the second time through).
HPA- Blue
2 sets of the following @ high effort:
5 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
10 Box jump 30/ 24
rest 5 min
5 min AMRAP
15 KBS 1.5/1
15 wall ball 20/14
rest 5 min
5 min AMRAP
20 cal row
20 burpees to 6" touch (rest 5 min then back to the top)
HPA Power
C&J % - Ub pull strength- EMOM 18-30min
A. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 65%RM x 12 sets rest 1 min
B. Pendlay Row @ 11X0, 6 reps x 4 sets rest 1m3-2min
EMOM for 18 minutes:
1st minute: 3 tough OH squats (power snatch first rep)
2nd minute: 3 Tough Wtd supinated Chin ups
3rd minute: 12 CTB Pullups
**weights for 1st and 2nd minute movement should be challenging yet repeatable. CTB Pullups should be done in no more than :20. If it is going to take longer than this than scale down to regular pullups**
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Friday October 24, 2014-
A. Power Snatch; build to a tough single
B. Snatch; 8-10 singles, start @75% and build (rest as needed)
B. BS; build to a tough set of 6, then move on. (keep reps crisp).
4-5 Sets:
5 tough Thrusters- build each set. Stay unbroken.
5 MU's
5 Box Jump (40/30")- no rebound
Rest 2-3m
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 DU's
10 WB
20 DU's
10 WB
30 DU's
10 WB
40 DU's.... etc
*Take note of limiters (ie- respiration, shoulder fatigue on DU's, skill on DU's under fatigue etc).
HPA- Blue
A. Power Snatch; build to a tough single
B. Snatch; 8-10 singles, start @75% and build (rest as needed)
B. BS; build to a tough set of 6, then move on. (keep reps crisp).
4-5 Sets:
5 tough Thrusters- build each set. Stay unbroken.
5 MU's
5 Box Jump (40/30")- no rebound
Rest 2-3m
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 DU's
10 WB
20 DU's
10 WB
30 DU's
10 WB
40 DU's.... etc
*Take note of limiters (ie- respiration, shoulder fatigue on DU's, skill on DU's under fatigue etc).
HPA- Blue
A.Above knee hang snatch. OHS, 1.2, work to a challenging set
B.Heaving Snatch Balance 3,2,1,3,2,1 rest 2-3 min
C.Front Squat @ 20X1, Build to a tough set of 5
21 min EMOM:
1st: 5 Thrusters 135/95 * scale up or down as needed, make them tough
2nd: 3-5 bar muscle ups
3rd: 3 tng power clean 225/135 * also scale up or down, make tough
HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Power snatch . OH squat, 1.2 --- work to max
B. Front Squat, work to tough 5 rep within 5 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press, 5 TOUGH reps x 4 sets rest 2-3 min
For time:
10 sets of 5 unbroken ring dips
HPA - Power
snatch - Fsquat - ub push strength / gymnastics
A. Power snatch . OH squat, 1.2 --- work to max
B. Front Squat, work to tough 5 rep within 5 sets
C. Close Grip Bench press, 5 TOUGH reps x 4 sets rest 2-3 min
For time:
10 sets of 5 unbroken ring dips
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Wednesday October 22, 2014-
A. PP. PJ. SJ; [5.3.1]x3; rest 2-3m (drop to blocks/ rest 10-15s after PP & PJ)
B. Wtd. Pullup; 3x3; rest 90-120s (perfect reps. Dead hang+chin over bar)
5 Minute AMRAP:
25 Pullups
20 C2B Pullups
AMRAP Rope climbs in remaining time
5 Minute AMRAP:
25 Pushups
AMRAP wall walks in remaining time
HPA- Blue
A.Push Press from blocks 3.3.3 x 3 sets, drop and rest 10 seconds between clusters/ rest 2-3 min
B. Pendlay row 5,4,3,2,1 all tough sets , rest 1:30
For Time: 25 (5") deficit Strict HSPU
25 strict HSPU
rest as needed
For Time:
30 pull ups
20 C2B pull ups
10 Bar muscle ups HPA Power LB Pull - snatch (tech -->mod) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to tough 5 rep
B. T&G Deadlift, 5 reps @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
C. High Hang Power snatch . Above knee hang power snatch. Snatch balance, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 8 sets (4 sets @ 55-58%RM of Squat snatch, 4 sets @ 60-63%RM)
D. Mid hang Power clean . Above knee hang Squat clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 8 sets (use no lighter than 55%RM)
Double Arm Trap 3 raise on medium incline @ 2014, 6 reps x 4 sets rest as needed
**Oly sets are bar complexes. There should only be 1 grip of the bar. The only time you would drop the bar is if it is either indicated or if it is labeled "cluster."
A. PP. PJ. SJ; [5.3.1]x3; rest 2-3m (drop to blocks/ rest 10-15s after PP & PJ)
B. Wtd. Pullup; 3x3; rest 90-120s (perfect reps. Dead hang+chin over bar)
5 Minute AMRAP:
25 Pullups
20 C2B Pullups
AMRAP Rope climbs in remaining time
5 Minute AMRAP:
25 Pushups
AMRAP wall walks in remaining time
HPA- Blue
A.Push Press from blocks 3.3.3 x 3 sets, drop and rest 10 seconds between clusters/ rest 2-3 min
B. Pendlay row 5,4,3,2,1 all tough sets , rest 1:30
For Time: 25 (5") deficit Strict HSPU
25 strict HSPU
rest as needed
For Time:
30 pull ups
20 C2B pull ups
10 Bar muscle ups HPA Power LB Pull - snatch (tech -->mod) - C&J (tech) - acc
A. T&G Deadlift, build to tough 5 rep
B. T&G Deadlift, 5 reps @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 2-3 min
C. High Hang Power snatch . Above knee hang power snatch. Snatch balance, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 8 sets (4 sets @ 55-58%RM of Squat snatch, 4 sets @ 60-63%RM)
D. Mid hang Power clean . Above knee hang Squat clean . Split Jerk, 1.1.1 every 90 seconds x 8 sets (use no lighter than 55%RM)
Double Arm Trap 3 raise on medium incline @ 2014, 6 reps x 4 sets rest as needed
**Oly sets are bar complexes. There should only be 1 grip of the bar. The only time you would drop the bar is if it is either indicated or if it is labeled "cluster."
Monday, October 20, 2014
Tuesday October 21, 2014-
There was a mistake to the formatting of the post from yesterday that didn't post on the blog for some reason, sorry about that, we are currently working on a new blogging platform that will be a lot more user friendly.
4 Sets @high effort
300m Row
15 Burpee over rower
Rest 2:30 B/w sets
*Do Sets 2/4 in reverse order.
For Time @85%
3,000m Row
3 Mile Airdyne
HPA- Blue
Four sets @ high effort:
21 KB Swings 32/24
18 wall ball 20/14
15 Box jump 24/20
12 Burpee to 6" touch
rest 3 min btwn sets
HPA - Power UB gymnastics
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Deficit HSPU rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Handstand push ups (repeatable amount)
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Wtd Pronated Pullups rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Wtd Dips rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Kipping RIng Dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
4-6 Strict Knees to elbows rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Toes to bar
rest 1m30
**All "AMRAP (-2) should be a repeatable amount of reps. Although it may say "-2" this does not mean it is exactly 2 reps under your exact max rep set. Whichever number you perform should be sustainable thorughout all 5 sets**
4 Sets @high effort
300m Row
15 Burpee over rower
Rest 2:30 B/w sets
*Do Sets 2/4 in reverse order.
For Time @85%
3,000m Row
3 Mile Airdyne
HPA- Blue
Four sets @ high effort:
21 KB Swings 32/24
18 wall ball 20/14
15 Box jump 24/20
12 Burpee to 6" touch
rest 3 min btwn sets
HPA - Power UB gymnastics
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Deficit HSPU rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Handstand push ups (repeatable amount)
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Wtd Pronated Pullups rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Pullups
rest 2m30
5 sets:
3 Tough Strict Wtd Dips rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Kipping RIng Dips
rest 2m30
5 sets:
4-6 Strict Knees to elbows rest :10
AMRAP (-2) Toes to bar
rest 1m30
**All "AMRAP (-2) should be a repeatable amount of reps. Although it may say "-2" this does not mean it is exactly 2 reps under your exact max rep set. Whichever number you perform should be sustainable thorughout all 5 sets**
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Monday October 20, 2014-
New HPA - Power Program:
HP-Power is a strength biased program that focuses on the proficiency of movement required in the sport of fitness. It is designed to develop full body strength allowing our athletes not just to increase their pressing, squatting, and pulling, but also develop necessary explosive strength to improve gymnastic and Olympic lifting movements. There will be a large emphasis on relative strength, strength endurance, CP battery, Olympic lifting skill and gymnastic skill. The skill oriented design will allow our athletes to fine tune all movement patterns in non-fatigued state.
Who is this program for?
-The avid exercise enthusiast who finds themselves "mix-moshing" strength programs along with main site programing
-The "aerobic monster" who can run for hours, box jump for days, burpee for years but has trouble lifting anything heavier than body weight.
-An athlete who is interested in preparing to take their talents to the grid. They would like to become more efficient at moving the barbell and need to get faster at working in short work periods.
-plain and simple: someone who just wants to get strong, move some weight, and throw their body around on the pullup bar or a pair of rings.
**For the (1st) six weeks, this program is going to be geared to the average athlete that follows our Gold and Blue Program. Going forward please be sure to post results as it will be able to sway the program design toward the athletes that follow**
Attention HP-Athletes:
Now that we are beginning the transition to the pre-open training phase it is especially important to post your training results so we monitor volume and intensity as needed (ie- increase of decrease based on your feedback). Our job is to make sure you progress as needed/ reach your full potential come CF-open time and we cannot do that without your feedback.
Thus far a handful of you have done a great job posting your results and we thank you for that, but the majority in this group are not posting regularly or at all. Meaning that the group avatars are only reflecting a small fraction of those following each focus group as we have no data/ feedback from the rest of the followers. Lets try and change that moving forward.
High Performance Athlete
A. PC. Hang Clean. FS; 1.2.3- build to a tough set (no drop b/w reps)
B. PC. Hang Clean; 1.1x3 @85-95% (of A), rest as needed
C. BS; 3x6; rest 3m
4 -5 Sets:
15 UB PS @75/50
rest 30s
40 DU's AFAP
rest 30s
10-15 UB T2B
Rest 90-120s
HPA-Gold is starting a new cycle today. The priorities will remain the same (minus a few small changes based on you're training results the past few months), but the training methods/ protocols will change to reflect the time of year (ie- the pre-open phase). The training split we will follow for the next 6 weeks is....
M- Clean Intense+ BS Intense+ Strength Capacity (CP/ES blend) w/ lighter loads and higher density
T- Aerobic Power Intervals @high % effort + Aerobic Endurance @moderate % efforts
W- Jerk Intense+ UB Push/Pull Intense (cp-based) + Muscular Endurance (ES based)
Th- Rest day or active recovery
F (AM)- Snatch Intense/ volume + squat intense (lower volume) + Strength capacity w/ heavier loading
F (PM- aerobic power test
Sa- Mixed Aerobic Power @high % efforts (2-6 minute intervals)
Su- rest day or active recovery
*also note it will be especially important that you post your results in this training phase so I can increase/ decrease volume as needed.
HPA- Blue
Clean Intense +Back Squat intense + Squating Upper pulling Capacity work
A. Power Clean. Clean. Front Squat, work to a tough set ( drop between reps)
B. Power Clean. Clean . Front Squat @
C. Back Squat 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 3 min ( all tough sets )
5 sets of the following:
:30 Thruster 95/65
:30 rest
:30 C2B pull up
:30 rest
:30 Box jump over 30/24"
Rest 1:30
*Low proficiency in C2B pull ups scale to pull ups
HPA - Power
C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Squat Clean & Split jerk, work to max
B. Back Squat, work to tough 6 rep with in 4-6 sets
C1. Wtd Pronated Pullup, 3 tough reps x 5 sets rest 1 min
C2. Push press, 3-3-3-2-2 rest 1 min
HP-Power is a strength biased program that focuses on the proficiency of movement required in the sport of fitness. It is designed to develop full body strength allowing our athletes not just to increase their pressing, squatting, and pulling, but also develop necessary explosive strength to improve gymnastic and Olympic lifting movements. There will be a large emphasis on relative strength, strength endurance, CP battery, Olympic lifting skill and gymnastic skill. The skill oriented design will allow our athletes to fine tune all movement patterns in non-fatigued state.
Who is this program for?
-The avid exercise enthusiast who finds themselves "mix-moshing" strength programs along with main site programing
-The "aerobic monster" who can run for hours, box jump for days, burpee for years but has trouble lifting anything heavier than body weight.
-An athlete who is interested in preparing to take their talents to the grid. They would like to become more efficient at moving the barbell and need to get faster at working in short work periods.
-plain and simple: someone who just wants to get strong, move some weight, and throw their body around on the pullup bar or a pair of rings.
**For the (1st) six weeks, this program is going to be geared to the average athlete that follows our Gold and Blue Program. Going forward please be sure to post results as it will be able to sway the program design toward the athletes that follow**
Attention HP-Athletes:
Now that we are beginning the transition to the pre-open training phase it is especially important to post your training results so we monitor volume and intensity as needed (ie- increase of decrease based on your feedback). Our job is to make sure you progress as needed/ reach your full potential come CF-open time and we cannot do that without your feedback.
Thus far a handful of you have done a great job posting your results and we thank you for that, but the majority in this group are not posting regularly or at all. Meaning that the group avatars are only reflecting a small fraction of those following each focus group as we have no data/ feedback from the rest of the followers. Lets try and change that moving forward.
High Performance Athlete
Ps- if you haven't already, join the "HPA Competitor's Program" Facebook group.
A. PC. Hang Clean. FS; 1.2.3- build to a tough set (no drop b/w reps)
B. PC. Hang Clean; 1.1x3 @85-95% (of A), rest as needed
C. BS; 3x6; rest 3m
4 -5 Sets:
15 UB PS @75/50
rest 30s
40 DU's AFAP
rest 30s
10-15 UB T2B
Rest 90-120s
HPA-Gold is starting a new cycle today. The priorities will remain the same (minus a few small changes based on you're training results the past few months), but the training methods/ protocols will change to reflect the time of year (ie- the pre-open phase). The training split we will follow for the next 6 weeks is....
M- Clean Intense+ BS Intense+ Strength Capacity (CP/ES blend) w/ lighter loads and higher density
T- Aerobic Power Intervals @high % effort + Aerobic Endurance @moderate % efforts
W- Jerk Intense+ UB Push/Pull Intense (cp-based) + Muscular Endurance (ES based)
Th- Rest day or active recovery
F (AM)- Snatch Intense/ volume + squat intense (lower volume) + Strength capacity w/ heavier loading
F (PM- aerobic power test
Sa- Mixed Aerobic Power @high % efforts (2-6 minute intervals)
Su- rest day or active recovery
*also note it will be especially important that you post your results in this training phase so I can increase/ decrease volume as needed.
HPA- Blue
Clean Intense +Back Squat intense + Squating Upper pulling Capacity work
A. Power Clean. Clean. Front Squat, work to a tough set ( drop between reps)
B. Power Clean. Clean . Front Squat @
C. Back Squat 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 3 min ( all tough sets )
5 sets of the following:
:30 Thruster 95/65
:30 rest
:30 C2B pull up
:30 rest
:30 Box jump over 30/24"
Rest 1:30
*Low proficiency in C2B pull ups scale to pull ups
HPA - Power
C&J - Bsqaut - UB strength
A. Squat Clean & Split jerk, work to max
B. Back Squat, work to tough 6 rep with in 4-6 sets
C1. Wtd Pronated Pullup, 3 tough reps x 5 sets rest 1 min
C2. Push press, 3-3-3-2-2 rest 1 min
Friday, October 17, 2014
Saturday October 18, 2014-
3 Sets @high effort (90%)
500m Row
20 Thruster @65/45#
20 Burpee
20 DB Snatch (10/arm) @50/35#
Rest 4-6 Minute B/w sets
10-15 Minute Rest
18 Minute AMRAP @moderate effort (80-85%)
150 cal Airdyne
40 DU's
200m Farmer Carry (16kg/arm)
HPA- Blue
For Time @ 85% Row 1k 40 Burpee over Rower Row 1K rest 10 min For Time @ 85% 3 rounds: 15 KBS 32kg/24kg 15 Wall Ball 20/14# to 12/10 ft 15 Box jump over 24/20" rest 10 min For Time @85% 1 mile airdyne 200 double unders 1 mile airdyne
HPA - Grid
High% short testers (x3) + (1) Low effort aerobic
4 min AMRAP:
2 Rope climb to 15ft
10 Thrusters @ 75lb/55lb
rest 5 min
For time:
30 Step Down Box jumps @ 30"/24"
30 KB swings @ 32kg/24kg
rest 5 min
For time:
Burpees to 6" touch
CTB Pullups
rest 5 min
10 min @ Low effort:
200m row
10 Goblet Squat @ 24kg/16kg
200m jog
15 russian swings @ 24kg/16kg
10/10 Alt box step ups @ 24"/20"
15 unanchored sit ups
3 Sets @high effort (90%)
500m Row
20 Thruster @65/45#
20 Burpee
20 DB Snatch (10/arm) @50/35#
Rest 4-6 Minute B/w sets
10-15 Minute Rest
18 Minute AMRAP @moderate effort (80-85%)
150 cal Airdyne
40 DU's
200m Farmer Carry (16kg/arm)
HPA- Blue
For Time @ 85% Row 1k 40 Burpee over Rower Row 1K rest 10 min For Time @ 85% 3 rounds: 15 KBS 32kg/24kg 15 Wall Ball 20/14# to 12/10 ft 15 Box jump over 24/20" rest 10 min For Time @85% 1 mile airdyne 200 double unders 1 mile airdyne
HPA - Grid
High% short testers (x3) + (1) Low effort aerobic
4 min AMRAP:
2 Rope climb to 15ft
10 Thrusters @ 75lb/55lb
rest 5 min
For time:
30 Step Down Box jumps @ 30"/24"
30 KB swings @ 32kg/24kg
rest 5 min
For time:
Burpees to 6" touch
CTB Pullups
rest 5 min
10 min @ Low effort:
200m row
10 Goblet Squat @ 24kg/16kg
200m jog
15 russian swings @ 24kg/16kg
10/10 Alt box step ups @ 24"/20"
15 unanchored sit ups
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Friday October 17, 2014-
A. Power Snatch. Hang Snatch; 1.1 x5-6 sets; rest 2m (no drop b/w reps)
B. BS; [2.2]x5; rest 10-20s/ 2-3m
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Power Clean @75% 1RM
6 Muscle Up
7 Kipping HSPU
*Fraction reps such that you can chip away here at a steady pace.
HPA- Blue A. Front Squat @ 21X1, work to a tough single for the day B. Drop to 80% of A, do 3x3 @ 80% , rest 3 min C. Above knee hang clean 3 reps OTM for 10 min , start @ 65%1RM, add if possible D. 50 strict HSPU for time Scale to Dumbell Push Press (50/35)
HPA - Grid
Back Squat (int) - C&J Mod - Battery
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 4 reps
B. T&G Power Clean, build to tough 3 rep
8 min AMRAP:
[3 rep T&G Power Clean], max sets @ 90% of part B
A. Power Snatch. Hang Snatch; 1.1 x5-6 sets; rest 2m (no drop b/w reps)
B. BS; [2.2]x5; rest 10-20s/ 2-3m
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Power Clean @75% 1RM
6 Muscle Up
7 Kipping HSPU
*Fraction reps such that you can chip away here at a steady pace.
HPA- Blue A. Front Squat @ 21X1, work to a tough single for the day B. Drop to 80% of A, do 3x3 @ 80% , rest 3 min C. Above knee hang clean 3 reps OTM for 10 min , start @ 65%1RM, add if possible D. 50 strict HSPU for time Scale to Dumbell Push Press (50/35)
HPA - Grid
Back Squat (int) - C&J Mod - Battery
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 4 reps
B. T&G Power Clean, build to tough 3 rep
8 min AMRAP:
[3 rep T&G Power Clean], max sets @ 90% of part B
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Wednesday October 15, 2014-
For Time:
Cals on Rower
cals on Airdyne
*25m Bear Crawl after ea/ Airdyne
Note- Perform as 50 cal Row, 100 cal AD, 25m BC, 40 cal Row, 80 cal AD, 25m BC....etc
HPA- Blue
A. Clean pull @ 100% 1RM 3 reps x 3 sets , rest 2-3 min
B. Hang Power Clean. Power Clean, work to a tough set
C. Push Press. Push Jerk 2.2 x 5 sets , rest 2 min
10 min EMOM:
E: 5 Close Grip bench press
O: 5 Strict Chin up, weighted if possible
HPA - Grid
Snatch (mod) - Jerk (int) - EMOM triad simulation
A. Squat snatch, 1 rep @ 82.5% x 12 sets rest 1m30
B. Split Jerk, build to max
25 min EMOM:
1st minute: 6 Power snatch 135lb/95lb
2nd minute: 8-10 unbroken toes to bar
3rd minute: 7-8 DB thrusters @ 50lb/30lb
4th minute: 40 Double unders
5th minute: 7-8 DB swings @ 100lb/ KB swings @ 32kg
weights above are Rx weights for teton Triad. If these weights
are too heavy then scale down to weight that is acheivable for the given
rep range**
For Time:
Cals on Rower
cals on Airdyne
*25m Bear Crawl after ea/ Airdyne
Note- Perform as 50 cal Row, 100 cal AD, 25m BC, 40 cal Row, 80 cal AD, 25m BC....etc
HPA- Blue
A. Clean pull @ 100% 1RM 3 reps x 3 sets , rest 2-3 min
B. Hang Power Clean. Power Clean, work to a tough set
C. Push Press. Push Jerk 2.2 x 5 sets , rest 2 min
10 min EMOM:
E: 5 Close Grip bench press
O: 5 Strict Chin up, weighted if possible
HPA - Grid
Snatch (mod) - Jerk (int) - EMOM triad simulation
A. Squat snatch, 1 rep @ 82.5% x 12 sets rest 1m30
B. Split Jerk, build to max
25 min EMOM:
1st minute: 6 Power snatch 135lb/95lb
2nd minute: 8-10 unbroken toes to bar
3rd minute: 7-8 DB thrusters @ 50lb/30lb
4th minute: 40 Double unders
5th minute: 7-8 DB swings @ 100lb/ KB swings @ 32kg
weights above are Rx weights for teton Triad. If these weights
are too heavy then scale down to weight that is acheivable for the given
rep range**
Monday, October 13, 2014
Tuesday October 14, 2014-
A. PP. PJ. SJ; [1.1.1]x5; rest 2-3m (drop/ reset b/w reps)
B1. RDL @21x1; 4-6x5; rest 90s (no grinders)
B2. Strict Defecit HSPU; 4-6x5; rest 90s
4 Sets:
20 DB Push Press @30/20# (per arm)
15 T2B
75 DU's
Rest 2-3 min b/w sets
HPA- Blue
For Time: 2k row 500 double unders 150 cal airdyne
HPA - Grid
High % intervals (race simulations)
For time: (race 1 simulation)
5 Power clean 185/120
DB Burpee Deadlift 40/30
rest :15
4 Power clean 225/135
rest :10
4 DB Burpee Deadlift 50/40
rest 3-5 min
For time: (start of race 3&4 Simulation)
20 GHD sit ups
rest :30
15-20 Unbroken Thrusters 145lb/95lb
rest 3-5 min
For time: (Jack and Jill simulation)
3 Rope climb to 15 ft
2 Legless Rope
1 L-sit rope climb
rest 3-5 min
repeat top 3 races
**Todays race simulations are supposed to feel as if you are on the grid working with a partner. If you are currently on a team and have a training partner you may be able to match the work of another competitor for your rest times. However, if you are not yet on a team, you will have to program your own rest to simulate the "work/ rest" period equal to that of what happens during a grid match. All of these movements should be done almost as fast as possible with the mindset that you are getting minimal rest to move onto the next station**In a perfect world everyone training for the grid would be able to use these weights and perform these movements however, if you can not do these movements near unbroken (and fast) then scale the weight or modify the movement to the best of your ability**
A. PP. PJ. SJ; [1.1.1]x5; rest 2-3m (drop/ reset b/w reps)
B1. RDL @21x1; 4-6x5; rest 90s (no grinders)
B2. Strict Defecit HSPU; 4-6x5; rest 90s
4 Sets:
20 DB Push Press @30/20# (per arm)
15 T2B
75 DU's
Rest 2-3 min b/w sets
HPA- Blue
For Time: 2k row 500 double unders 150 cal airdyne
HPA - Grid
High % intervals (race simulations)
For time: (race 1 simulation)
5 Power clean 185/120
DB Burpee Deadlift 40/30
rest :15
4 Power clean 225/135
rest :10
4 DB Burpee Deadlift 50/40
rest 3-5 min
For time: (start of race 3&4 Simulation)
20 GHD sit ups
rest :30
15-20 Unbroken Thrusters 145lb/95lb
rest 3-5 min
For time: (Jack and Jill simulation)
3 Rope climb to 15 ft
2 Legless Rope
1 L-sit rope climb
rest 3-5 min
repeat top 3 races
**Todays race simulations are supposed to feel as if you are on the grid working with a partner. If you are currently on a team and have a training partner you may be able to match the work of another competitor for your rest times. However, if you are not yet on a team, you will have to program your own rest to simulate the "work/ rest" period equal to that of what happens during a grid match. All of these movements should be done almost as fast as possible with the mindset that you are getting minimal rest to move onto the next station**In a perfect world everyone training for the grid would be able to use these weights and perform these movements however, if you can not do these movements near unbroken (and fast) then scale the weight or modify the movement to the best of your ability**
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Monday October 13, 2014-
We've had a few questions this past week about scaling for Muscle Ups and Deficit HSPU in workouts this past week. Particularly on how to scale the movements relative to the workout at hand (ie- preserving the intent of the workout whilst scaling).
We've written up a short document , posted in the HPA competitor's Facebook group , with some insight on the topic that will help you decided how to scale on a given day.
-High Performance Athlete
A. Clean; build to a tough single
B. Clean; 1 rep x8-10 sets @80-85% of "A", rest as needed
C. BS @20x1; 4x5; rest 2-3m
D. 30-50 Strict C2B Pullups- Perfect reps. Not for time.
For Time:
500m Row
25 KBS (1.5/1)
25 Burpee
500m Row
25 Burpee
25 KBS (1.5/1)
500m Row
*Note limiting factors, pacing stratedgy, and subjective feelings during/after.
Note- this will be the last week of this cycle for HPA-Gold before moving into our open prep-phase.
HPA- Blue
A. Snatch, Build to a heavy single
B. Drop To 80% of A Hit 10 singles, rest as needed
C. Back Squat @ 21X1, work to a tough rep for the day
D. 50 strict Pronated Chin ups for time
* If this will take you over 10 min to complete, use band assistance with the least resistance you can to keep moving
HPA - Grid
Mon - Snatch (int) - Fsq (int) - press + tester
A. T&G Squat snatch, 2RM
B. Front Squat @ 22X1, build to tough rep
C. Seated Dbell strict press @ 3010, build to 6RM
For time:
Power clean @ 185lb/135lb
Barbell facing burpees
We've written up a short document , posted in the HPA competitor's Facebook group , with some insight on the topic that will help you decided how to scale on a given day.
-High Performance Athlete
A. Clean; build to a tough single
B. Clean; 1 rep x8-10 sets @80-85% of "A", rest as needed
C. BS @20x1; 4x5; rest 2-3m
D. 30-50 Strict C2B Pullups- Perfect reps. Not for time.
For Time:
500m Row
25 KBS (1.5/1)
25 Burpee
500m Row
25 Burpee
25 KBS (1.5/1)
500m Row
*Note limiting factors, pacing stratedgy, and subjective feelings during/after.
Note- this will be the last week of this cycle for HPA-Gold before moving into our open prep-phase.
HPA- Blue
A. Snatch, Build to a heavy single
B. Drop To 80% of A Hit 10 singles, rest as needed
C. Back Squat @ 21X1, work to a tough rep for the day
D. 50 strict Pronated Chin ups for time
* If this will take you over 10 min to complete, use band assistance with the least resistance you can to keep moving
HPA - Grid
Mon - Snatch (int) - Fsq (int) - press + tester
A. T&G Squat snatch, 2RM
B. Front Squat @ 22X1, build to tough rep
C. Seated Dbell strict press @ 3010, build to 6RM
For time:
Power clean @ 185lb/135lb
Barbell facing burpees
Friday, October 10, 2014
Saturday October 11, 2014-
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 Alt Step Ups
No Rest
6 Min AD @85-90%
Rest 12 Min
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
60m Bear Crawl
15 Situps
No Rest
6 Min AD @85-90%
Rest 12 Min
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
15 WB Slams
15 Mountain Climbers
40 DU's
No Rest
5 Min AD @85%
HPA- Blue
3 min AD @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP @85%
7 KBS 32/24
9 Burpees
rest 8 min
3 min row @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP@85%
30 Double unders
15 wall ball 20/14
rest 8 min
3 min AD @85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP @85%
10/10 walking lunge
10 toes to bar
rest 8 min
3 min row @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP@ 85%
7/7 KB snatch 24/16
15 box jump 24/20 * step down
HPA - Grid
High% short testers (x3) + (1) Low effort aerobic
For time:
Box jump over @ 30"/24"
KB swings @ 32kg/24kg
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time:
6 Bar muscle ups
9 Ring Dips
60 Double Unders
rest 5 min
For time
30 Pullups
50 thrusers @ 45lb
rest 5 min
10 min @ Low effort:
100m jog
10 HR push ups
200m row
10 OH squats @ 65lb/45lb
100 single Unders
10 Ring Rows
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 Alt Step Ups
No Rest
6 Min AD @85-90%
Rest 12 Min
6 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
60m Bear Crawl
15 Situps
No Rest
6 Min AD @85-90%
Rest 12 Min
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
15 WB Slams
15 Mountain Climbers
40 DU's
No Rest
5 Min AD @85%
HPA- Blue
3 min AD @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP @85%
7 KBS 32/24
9 Burpees
rest 8 min
3 min row @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP@85%
30 Double unders
15 wall ball 20/14
rest 8 min
3 min AD @85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP @85%
10/10 walking lunge
10 toes to bar
rest 8 min
3 min row @ 85%
no rest
5 min AMRAP@ 85%
7/7 KB snatch 24/16
15 box jump 24/20 * step down
HPA - Grid
High% short testers (x3) + (1) Low effort aerobic
For time:
Box jump over @ 30"/24"
KB swings @ 32kg/24kg
rest 5 min
3 rounds for time:
6 Bar muscle ups
9 Ring Dips
60 Double Unders
rest 5 min
For time
30 Pullups
50 thrusers @ 45lb
rest 5 min
10 min @ Low effort:
100m jog
10 HR push ups
200m row
10 OH squats @ 65lb/45lb
100 single Unders
10 Ring Rows
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Friday October 10, 2014-
A. Snatch Pull. PS. Snatch; 1.1.1x5; rest 2m (drop b/w reps)
B. BS; [3.3]-[3.3]-[3.3]-[2.2]-[2.2]; rest 20s/2-3m
Every 90s For 5 Sets:
1 PC+ 2 HPC+ 3 S2OH
*Moderate weight. keep reps fast/ smooth.
For Time:
10 Strict HSPU
20 Strict Pullups
20 Strict HSPU
10 Strict Pullups
*Max 30" width on HSPU
*Chin Over bar on pullups
HPA- Blue
HPA - Grid
Bsquat (int) - C&J (mod) - Battery
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 5 reps
B. Power Clean, build to tough rep
For 8 minutes perform 1 power clean every :30 @ 87-90% of part A
Power snatch . Hang Power snatch . Hang Squat snatch, 1.1.1 @ 55%-60%RM - every minute x 8 sets (when determining proper %, have in mind that this should be skill to moderate effort, with possibly a little elevated respiration depending on your aerobic ability)
A. Snatch Pull. PS. Snatch; 1.1.1x5; rest 2m (drop b/w reps)
B. BS; [3.3]-[3.3]-[3.3]-[2.2]-[2.2]; rest 20s/2-3m
Every 90s For 5 Sets:
1 PC+ 2 HPC+ 3 S2OH
*Moderate weight. keep reps fast/ smooth.
For Time:
10 Strict HSPU
20 Strict Pullups
20 Strict HSPU
10 Strict Pullups
*Max 30" width on HSPU
*Chin Over bar on pullups
HPA- Blue
A. Front Squat @ 21X1, 3 reps x 5 sets @ 85%, rest 3 min
B. High Hang Clean. Above knee Hang Clean. Clean, build to a tough set quickly ( drop the bar after the above knee hang clean and reset from the ground)
C. Drop To 80% of B & perform 1 complex every 2 min for 5 sets
EMOM for 10 min
5 Strict " tough" deficit HSPU
* no strict HSPU do " tough" dumbell push press
50 toes to bar for time
HPA - Grid
Bsquat (int) - C&J (mod) - Battery
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, build to tough set of 5 reps
B. Power Clean, build to tough rep
For 8 minutes perform 1 power clean every :30 @ 87-90% of part A
Power snatch . Hang Power snatch . Hang Squat snatch, 1.1.1 @ 55%-60%RM - every minute x 8 sets (when determining proper %, have in mind that this should be skill to moderate effort, with possibly a little elevated respiration depending on your aerobic ability)
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Wednesday October 8, 2014-
For Time @85%
2,000m Row
200 DU's
Rest 10 Min
10 Minute Running Clock:
800m Run
AD For cals in remaining time
Rest 10 Min
7 Sets @80-85%
:30 Burpee
:30 Rest
:30 Row
:30 Rest
:60 Airdyne
:60 Rest
A1.Touch and go deadlift 5,5,3,3,3 rest 2 min
A2. Push Press 3 touch and go reps, rest 2 min x 5 sets
For reps @ 90%
:30 Wall ball 20/14 to 10/9 ft
:30 KBS 53/35
1 min 20m shuttle run
1 min burpee
rest 3 min x 5 sets
HPA - Grid
Snatch (mod) - Jerk (int) - EMOM triad simulation
A. Squat snatch, 1 rep @ 80% x 15 sets rest 1m30
B. Push jerk . Split Jerk, 1.1 - build to max set
20 min EMOM:
1st minute: 10 KB swings 32kg/40kg
2nd minute: 4-6 Ring Muscle ups
3rd minute: 8 Wall Ball to max height @ 30lb/18lb
4th minute: 4-7 Freestanding handstand push ups (scale to wall if needed however increase reps)
5th minute: 4 Touch and Go snatch 185lb/115lb
weights above are Rx weights for mckinley Triad. If these weights
are too heavy then scale down to weight that is acheivable for the given
rep range**
For Time @85%
2,000m Row
200 DU's
Rest 10 Min
10 Minute Running Clock:
800m Run
AD For cals in remaining time
Rest 10 Min
7 Sets @80-85%
:30 Burpee
:30 Rest
:30 Row
:30 Rest
:60 Airdyne
:60 Rest
A1.Touch and go deadlift 5,5,3,3,3 rest 2 min
A2. Push Press 3 touch and go reps, rest 2 min x 5 sets
For reps @ 90%
:30 Wall ball 20/14 to 10/9 ft
:30 KBS 53/35
1 min 20m shuttle run
1 min burpee
rest 3 min x 5 sets
HPA - Grid
Snatch (mod) - Jerk (int) - EMOM triad simulation
A. Squat snatch, 1 rep @ 80% x 15 sets rest 1m30
B. Push jerk . Split Jerk, 1.1 - build to max set
20 min EMOM:
1st minute: 10 KB swings 32kg/40kg
2nd minute: 4-6 Ring Muscle ups
3rd minute: 8 Wall Ball to max height @ 30lb/18lb
4th minute: 4-7 Freestanding handstand push ups (scale to wall if needed however increase reps)
5th minute: 4 Touch and Go snatch 185lb/115lb
weights above are Rx weights for mckinley Triad. If these weights
are too heavy then scale down to weight that is acheivable for the given
rep range**
Monday, October 6, 2014
Tuesday October 7, 2014-
***If you have not already, join the HPA Competitor's Facebook Group click HERE. For more information on the group click HERE***
A. Split Jerk; 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2-3m (drop b/w reps on 2's)
B. RDL @21x1; 6-8x4; rest 2m (no grinders)
C1. 8-10 TnG Push Press- rest 20s
C2. 15 HSPU For Time- rest 3m x3 sets
Unbroken Pullups For Time
Row 2 min @ 90%
rest 2 min
Airdyne 2 min @ 90%
rest 2 min x 5 sets
HPA Grid
High % intervals (race simulations)
For time: (race 1 simulation)
8 KB clean & Jerk 20kg/16kg
8 pistol stick jump over @ 6"
rest :15
6 KB clean & jerk 24kg/20kg
rest :10
6 pistol stick jump over @ 12"
rest 3-5 min
For time: (start of race 3&4 Simulation)
20 Overhead Squats 165lb/105lb
rest ::30
10 DB burpee over box 75llb & 24"/ 40lb & 20"
rest 3-5 min
For time: (Jack and Jill simulation)
10-12 unbroken Bar Muscle ups
rest 1 min
8-10 Unbroken Ring Muscle ups
rest :45
Back roll to support, max reps with in 1 min (scale with band if needed)
rest 3-5 min
repeat top 3 races
**Today's race simulations are supposed to feel as if you are on the grid working with a partner. If you are currently on a team and have a training partner you may be able to match the work of another competitor for your rest times. However, if you are not yet on a team, you will have to program your own rest to simulate the "work/ rest" period equal to that of what happens during a grid match. All of these movements should be done almost as fast as possible with the mindset that you are getting minimal rest to move onto the next station**In a perfect world everyone training for the grid would be able to use these weights and perform these movements however, if you can not do these movements near unbroken (and fast) then scale the weight or modify the movement to the best of your ability**
A. Split Jerk; 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2-3m (drop b/w reps on 2's)
B. RDL @21x1; 6-8x4; rest 2m (no grinders)
C1. 8-10 TnG Push Press- rest 20s
C2. 15 HSPU For Time- rest 3m x3 sets
Unbroken Pullups For Time
Row 2 min @ 90%
rest 2 min
Airdyne 2 min @ 90%
rest 2 min x 5 sets
HPA Grid
High % intervals (race simulations)
For time: (race 1 simulation)
8 KB clean & Jerk 20kg/16kg
8 pistol stick jump over @ 6"
rest :15
6 KB clean & jerk 24kg/20kg
rest :10
6 pistol stick jump over @ 12"
rest 3-5 min
For time: (start of race 3&4 Simulation)
20 Overhead Squats 165lb/105lb
rest ::30
10 DB burpee over box 75llb & 24"/ 40lb & 20"
rest 3-5 min
For time: (Jack and Jill simulation)
10-12 unbroken Bar Muscle ups
rest 1 min
8-10 Unbroken Ring Muscle ups
rest :45
Back roll to support, max reps with in 1 min (scale with band if needed)
rest 3-5 min
repeat top 3 races
**Today's race simulations are supposed to feel as if you are on the grid working with a partner. If you are currently on a team and have a training partner you may be able to match the work of another competitor for your rest times. However, if you are not yet on a team, you will have to program your own rest to simulate the "work/ rest" period equal to that of what happens during a grid match. All of these movements should be done almost as fast as possible with the mindset that you are getting minimal rest to move onto the next station**In a perfect world everyone training for the grid would be able to use these weights and perform these movements however, if you can not do these movements near unbroken (and fast) then scale the weight or modify the movement to the best of your ability**
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Monday October 6, 2014:
***If you have not already, join the HPA Competitor's Facebook Group click HERE. For more information on the group click HERE***
A. Clean; 1.1x6 sets; rest 15s/2-3m
B. BS @31x1; 6-6-6-4-4; rest 3m
C. Pendlay Row @21x2; 5-7x5; rest 2m
For Time:
25 Thruster @95/65#
250m Row
25 Burpee Over Bar
250m Row
25 Toes To Bar
2.5 Mile Airdyne
Note: This is the second to last week of this cycle for HPA-Gold. In two weeks from now we will begin our Pre-opens phase.
A. Back Squat 3 reps x 5 sets @ 85% , rest 3 min B. Snatch Balance, work to a tough single from the rack C. Snatch. Snatch Balance . OHS , 1.1.1 OTM for 10 min +
EMOM for 15 min: 1 legless rope climb
5 tough deficit strict HSPU
HPA - Grid
Snatch intense + FSq int + Press + Short tester
A. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, build to tough 3 rep
B. Front Squat, AMRAP (-1) @ 88%RM
C. Seated Btn Strict Press @ 20X0, take 4 sets to work to a tough set of 6 reps
3 rounds For time:
2 rope climbs
3 Power clean @ 175lb/115lb
3 Thrusters @ 175lb/115lb
A. Clean; 1.1x6 sets; rest 15s/2-3m
B. BS @31x1; 6-6-6-4-4; rest 3m
C. Pendlay Row @21x2; 5-7x5; rest 2m
For Time:
25 Thruster @95/65#
250m Row
25 Burpee Over Bar
250m Row
25 Toes To Bar
2.5 Mile Airdyne
Note: This is the second to last week of this cycle for HPA-Gold. In two weeks from now we will begin our Pre-opens phase.
A. Back Squat 3 reps x 5 sets @ 85% , rest 3 min B. Snatch Balance, work to a tough single from the rack C. Snatch. Snatch Balance . OHS , 1.1.1 OTM for 10 min +
EMOM for 15 min: 1 legless rope climb
5 tough deficit strict HSPU
HPA - Grid
Snatch intense + FSq int + Press + Short tester
A. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, build to tough 3 rep
B. Front Squat, AMRAP (-1) @ 88%RM
C. Seated Btn Strict Press @ 20X0, take 4 sets to work to a tough set of 6 reps
3 rounds For time:
2 rope climbs
3 Power clean @ 175lb/115lb
3 Thrusters @ 175lb/115lb
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