
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday September 22, 2014-

A. PC. Clean; build to a tough set of 1.1
B. PC. Clean; 1.1x4 @80-85% A; rest 2m
C1. BS @31x1; 10-10-8-8; rest 2m
C2. SA DB Row @31x1; 8-10x4; rest 2m

For Time @95% effort (near all out, but dont redline it)
7 Thruster (115/80)
7 Burpee Over Bar
Walk/Rest 3m x4-5 Sets

HPA - Blue
A. Back Squat Cluster x 5 sets ( rest :10/ rest 3 min )
B1. Barbell Split Squat 8/8 ,rest 2 min 
B2. AMRAP Strict C2B chin ups @ 2111, rest 2 min x 4 sets 
2-3 muscle ups OTM for 10 min 

HPA - Grid
snatch(int) - Squat (mod) Ub strength vert - Acc
A. Squat snatch, 1rm
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 1 reps @ 80%RM x 8 sets rest 3 min
C. Push press, 2 tough reps every minute x 5 sets (82-86%RM)
D. Wtd. Pronated chin up @ 20X0 , 1 rep every :20 for 8 minutes


  1. Blue


    A) 225#,245#,265#,285#,#300
    B1) 135#,145#,155#,165#
    B2) 8,8,5,5
    7 min only (sets of 2+1 rep) no missed reps
    *stopped there had a nasty rip from the MUs.
    *BS felt pretty good today.

  2. Blue

    A. 245/265/275/285/295
    B1. 95/135/155/175
    B2. 7/6/6/6
    Minute 1-5 = 3 reps
    Minute 6-10 = 2 reps

  3. no A+B1, pulled a part of my quads on the weekend
    B2: 7/5/4/4

    min 1-4=2 reps
    min 5-6 fail - rest
    min 7-10=1 rep
    *mu technique sucks, needs more practise

  4. A 235
    B 200 for all
    C1 225/10, 235/10, 240/8, 245/8
    C2 75/10, 75/10, 75/8, 75/8
    Pm work
    :28 for all 5 sets

  5. Gold


    A) 255
    B) 225 all sets
    C1) 185-205-225-235
    C2) 53# for 10 reps all 4 rounds


    :29 1st round, :28 last 4 rounds

  6. A. 275, 295, 315, 325, 335
    B1. 135, 135, 135, 135
    B2. 4, 3, 3, 3
    Did not complete. Shoulders are not feeling great and attempted 2 scaled and they hurt so backed off and rode the airdyne for ten minutes.

  7. Blue

    A. 185, 225, 235, 245, 245
    B1. 95
    B2. 3 each round
    10 min EMOM of 5 butterfly pull-ups for skill practice, because I can't do muscle-ups.

  8. A. 95/110/130/145/160
    B1. 55/75/90/95
    B2. I can only do kipping C2B pull-ups; Instead, I did weighted strict pull-ups (5 with 2.5#, then 3 with 10#, two and one negative with 10#, 1 strict and 2 negatives with 10#)
    15 EMOM of 5 ring rows and 5 assisted ring dips

  9. Blue

    A: 225, 245, 265, 285, 295 - 1 rep and failed
    B1: 95lbs
    B2: 7,6,6,4

    1 MU for 10 rounds.

  10. A. 255, 265, 275, 295, 315
    B1. 95# (hamstrings were feeling tight)
    B2. 5, 5, 4, 3

    Practiced muscle up progressions
