9 Minute AMRAP @85%
600m Row
15 Situps
600m Run
15 Alt Step Ups (24/20)
15 Burpee
Rest 9m x2 Sets
Rest as needed
8 Minute Airdyne @85%
Rest 4m
4 Minute Airdyne @85%
Rest 2m
2 Minute Airdyne @85%
HPA Blue
Four sets of the following: 2:00 row @ high effort
10 Double KB front squats 53/35 10 Heavy dumbell walking lunges rest 3 min 2:00 airdyne @ high effort
10 Double KB front squats 53/35 10 Heavy dumbell walking lunges rest 3 min
600m Row
15 Situps
600m Run
15 Alt Step Ups (24/20)
15 Burpee
Rest 9m x2 Sets
Rest as needed
8 Minute Airdyne @85%
Rest 4m
4 Minute Airdyne @85%
Rest 2m
2 Minute Airdyne @85%
HPA Blue
Four sets of the following: 2:00 row @ high effort
10 Double KB front squats 53/35 10 Heavy dumbell walking lunges rest 3 min 2:00 airdyne @ high effort
10 Double KB front squats 53/35 10 Heavy dumbell walking lunges rest 3 min
HPA - Grid
Snatch (mod) - Jerk (int) - EMOM triad simulation
A. Squat snatch, 1 rep @ 80% x 12 sets rest 1m30
B. Push press . Push Jerk, 2.2 - build to max set
20 min EMOM:
1st minute: 4 OHS 165lb/105lb
2nd minute: 10 Toes to bar
3rd minute: 2/2 DB Pistol 50lb/30lb
4th minute: 4 Ring Muscle up
5th minute: Burpee Over Box jump 30"/24", Max reps in :25
**the weights above are Rx weights for Kiliminjaro Triad. If these weights are too heavy than scale down to weight that is acheivable for the given rep range**