
Friday, October 30, 2015

Saturday October 31, 2015-

5 Rounds For Time:
1,000m Row 
15 Thrusters @75#
15 Burpee
15 C2B Pullups 

-This is a test- please leave as detailed feedback as possible regarding limitations, rounds splits, strategy etc. 

HPA - Power 
A. 100m ALL OUT row @ damper 10 x 8 sets rest :90 b/t sets 
B. :90 Max Bar Muscle ups 
5 KB swings 32kg/24kg-- if you have a heavier bell and can go heavier then please do
5 Step down burpse Box jumps @ 30"/24"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friday October 30, 2015-

A. PS; 1 rep OT 30s for 10m (65-70% effort)
B. FS @20x1; 5-3-1-5-3-1; rest 2-3m
C1. Tng DL; 6-8x5, rest 90s
C2. Strict HSPU; max UB, rest 90s 

HPA - Power
A. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press . OH squat @ 20X1, 1.2 -- work to tough complex within 5-7 sets
B. Romanian DL @ 30X0, take from rack about hip height, work to tough set of 3 reps
C. Power Snatch . Squat Snatch, 1.1 rep @ 70-75% of Power Snatch - 1 set every :60 x 12 minutes (hone in on great speed under the bar. Strong pull for power & Snap under the bar for Squat Snatch) -- if there is a large gap between power and snatch in either direction then make the appropriate changes
5 sets:
Run 100m @ 85% effort
10-15 Unbroken OH squats (135lb/95lb)
Run 100m @ 85% effort
rest :90
*Workout starts with bar on ground

*If Overhead Squat is about 275lb/175lb then scale up to (165/110)

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wednesday October 28, 2015-

A. Split Jerk Cluster; 1.1.1x4, rest 20s/2m
B1. Strict Press; max UB reps @10RM (from last week), rest 90s
B2. WPU; max UB reps @5RM (from last week), rest 90s x3
C2B Pullups
Overhead Squat @125 

HPA - Power 

10 min EMOM
1 Rope Climb to 15 ft 
3/3 alt pistols 
rest 5 min 
10 min EMOM:
20-30 ft unbroken hs walk 
40 double unders 
rest 5 min 
10 min EMOM: 
6 Kettlebell Swings @ 32kg/24kg
6 Full Stand Burpees 
10 min Recovery

Monday, October 26, 2015

Tuesday October 27, 2015-

1000m Row @75-80%
Rest 2m
500m Row @80-85%
Rest 1m
250m Row @85-90%
Rest 4m
x2 Sets
6 Mile AB @75% 

HPA - Power 
A1. Deficit Strict HSPU, 3-4 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
A2. Single arm Ring Row @ 30X0, 5/5 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
28 min EMOM:

1st min: 3-5 kipping  HSPU to Deficit

2nd min: 3-5 Bar Muscle ups
3rd min: 3-5 Tough Wtd Ring Dips
4th min: 8-12 Unbroken toes to bar

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Monday October 26, 2015-

A. Power Clean. Clean; 1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. Back Squat; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 2-3m (2nd wave heavier)
4 Sets- Max Reps:
:30 Back Squat @50% 1RM
Rest 30 sec
:60 Wall Balls
Rest 2 min
C. Wtd. GHR; 8-10 x3, rest 2m 

HPA - Power 
A. Power Snatch . Above knee Hang Squat Snatch., 1.2- work to tough set 
B. Front Squat, work to tough set of 4 reps
C. Front Squat, 4 reps @ 75-80%RM x 4 sets rest 2-3 min (this should be challenging for the last set)
D. Airbike, :08 ALL OUT x10 sets rest :60 b/t sets (constant walk for rest.. record each min separately)

Friday, October 23, 2015

Saturday October 24, 2015-

5k Run Time Trial 

HPA - Power 
A. 100m ALL OUT row @ damper 10 x 6 sets rest :90 b/t sets
For time: 
40 CTB / 30 CTB 
75 Double Unders 
50 cal row / 40 cal row (damper 5.5)
75 Double Under 
40 Toes to bar / 30 Toes to bar   

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Friday October 23, 2015-

A. PS. Snatch. OHS; 1.2.3- build to a tough set
B. FS @20x1; 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 2-3m
6-8 Sets:
max UB strict pullup cluster x2 (20s b/w)
Rest 1 min 

HPA - Power 
A. BTN Snatch Grip Push Press . OH squat @ 30X1, 2.2 -- work to tough complex within 5-7 sets
B. Romanian DL @ 50X0, take from rack about hip height, work to tough set of 5 reps
C. Power Snatch, 1 rep every :20 @ 70-75%RMish x 10 minutes (stay PERFECT form.. get speed under the bar and focus on good elbow ext for catch)
For time:
40 OH squats for time (135lb/95lb)
*Workout starts with bar on ground
*Every time bar falls from OH position you must run 200m before you accumulate any more reps
*You may not rest in back rack position
*If Overhead Squat is about 275lb/175lb then scale up to (165/110)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Wednesday October 21, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-3-2-2-1-1; rest 2m
B1. Strict Press; build to a 10RM
B2. WPU; build to a 5RM
Kipping Deficit HSPU @4"
Power Clean @135 

HPA - Power 
A1. 1 Rope Climb to 15 ft + 1 Legless rope climb x 8 sets rest :6
A2. Alt Pistol Squats, 5/5 x 8 sets rest :60 (scale if takes more than :60) 
B1.  Handstand walk, 50 ft x 6 sets rest :5
B2. Double Unders, 70 reps for time x 6 sets rest :50  
C1. 10 Russian Swings @ 32kg/24kg x 5 sets rest :40 
C2. 10 Box jumps AFAP @ 30"/24" x 5 sets rest :40
10 min work:
:60 AMSAP Front Bridge 
:60 Assault bike @ low effort    

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tuesday October 20, 2015-

20 Sets:
:05 sec AB Sprint- All Out
:55 sec AB- slow spin 
6 Rounds:
250m Row @80-85% effort
250m Row @low effort 

30:00 Assault Bike @120-140 BPM 

HPA - Power 
A1. Standing Strict Press, 5 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
A2. Wtd Pronated Pullup, 5 tough reps x 5 sets rest :60
10 sets: 

3-5 Strict HSPU to Deficit @ 30X0
rest :50 

3-5 Strict Ring Muscle-ups
rest :50 

4-6 Strict Toes to Bar
rest :50
*Sub strict RMU for 5 Strict CTB + 5 Strict Ring Dips*

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Monday October 19, 2015-

A. Clean. Hang Clean; 1 complex OTM for 4-6m @70%
B. BS; 3 reps x8 sets; rest 2:30-3:00 (heavier than last week)

EMOM for 12 Minutes:
1st- 10 UB Thruster @95-115
2nd- 3-5 Bar MU
3rd- 30 sec max DU's
EMOM for 6 Minutes:
1st- 15 Double KB FS @15kg/arm 
2nd- Max UB Strict C2B Pullups
3rd- Max UB Strict Pullup 

HPA - Power 
A. Power Snatch . Above knee Hang Power snatch . OH squat, 1.2.2 - work to tough set 
B. Front Squat, work to tough set of 3 reps
C. Front Squat, 3 reps @ 80-85%RM x 4 sets rest 2-3 min (this should be challenging for the last set)
D. Airbike, :05 ALL OUT per min x 10 sets (constant walk for rest.. record each min separately)

Friday, October 16, 2015

Saturday October 17, 2015-

20-15-10 @steady pace (80-85%)
cals on Rower
Push Press @75#
(rest 5-10 Minutes)
21-18-12-9-6-3 @steady pace (80-85%)
Cals On Airdyne

HPA - Power
A. "Paused" Snatch Balance . "Paused" Overhead Squat, 1.1 every :90 @ approx 60% of best Squat Snatch x 8 sets 
B. CTB Pullups, 6-10 unbroken reps x 7-12 sets (looking to accumulate approx 70ish reps without ruining yourself AKA 6 reps x 12 sets or 10 reps x 7 sets, figure the math anywhere in between. All sets should be equal) w/ no drop off) 
C. Kipping HSPU, same deal as part B 
D. 8 sets: (more jump rope practice
:20 Double Unders 
:20 rest     

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Friday October 16, 2015-

A. Snatch. Hang Snatch; 1.1x5; rest 2m
B. FS @31x1; 4x6; rest 2-3m (start heavy)
C1. 10-15 TnG PS, rest 30s (75#)
C2. 15 BJ Step Down AFAP, rest 30s (24")
C3. 30 cal Row @moderate pace, rest 2-3m x3-4 sets  

HPA - Power 
A. Power clean . Below knee hang squat clean, 1.2 - work to moderately challenging set within 6 sets 
B. Back Squat @ 50X1, work to moderately challenging set (meaning you can repeat it a couple times if told to)
C. Muscle Snatch . Power snatch (all T&G + Unbr), 2.4 every :60 x 7 sets (approx 65% of best muscle snatch or approx 55% of best Power snatch .. concentration is on speed, not grinding out reps)
15 minutes low effort 
2/2 TGU @ 24kg/16kg 
50 ft walking lunges 
10 Perfect push up burpees 
500m row  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Wednesday October 14, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 3-2-1-3-2-1; rest 2m (drop b/w reps on 3's/2's)
B1. Push Press; 3x3; rest 90s
B2. WPU; 3x3; rest 90s
5 Rounds For Time
10 C2B Pullups
10 Thruster (95#)
30 Unbroken DU's 

HPA - Power 
A. Squat Snatch, 1 rep  @ 65-70%RM every :30 x 10 minutes 
B. Hang Power Clean . Hang Squat Clean, 1.1 @ about 65-70%RM  of best squat clean every :60 x 15 minutes  
*Keep both A & B moderate effort* 
C. 5 sets @ 85% effort 
:30 Double Unders 
:30 rest 
D. GHD sit ups, 12-15 reps x 4 sets rest :60-:90

Monday, October 12, 2015

Tuesday October 13, 2015-

For Time @80-85%
2,000m Row
800m Run
3 Mile Airdyne
15 Minute Rest
For Time @80-85%
3 Mile Airdyne
800m Run
2,000m Row 

HPA - Power 
A. Split Jerk, 1 moderate rep every :60 x 10-12 sets (no more than 70%RM) 
B1. Standing Strict Press, moderate set of 6-8 reps x 4 sets rest :45-:60 
B2. Strict Pronated Pullups, 6-8 reps x 4 ets rest :45 - 60 
EMOM for 12 minutes: 
1st min: Unbroken CTB, 6-10 reps (keep moderate sets) 
2nd min: Unbroken Kipping HSPU, 6-10 reps (keep moderate sets) 

15 minutes of upper body mobility and stretching     

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Monday October 12, 2015-

A. PC. Hang Clean. FS- build to a tough set
B. BS @20x1; 4 reps x6 sets; rest 2-3m (start mod/tough)
C1. 10-12 TnG Power Clean, rest 45s
C2. 15 T2B AFAP, rest 45s
C3. 15 Burpee AFAP, rest 90s x4 sets
*Start moderate on PC, build each set, but stay UB. 

Note- GOLD will be starting a new training phase this week. If you plan on following along leading up to, and through, the opens shoot me an email at with the subject line "RE: HPA GOLD" as I'm making a new avatar for the group. 

HPA - Power 
A. High Hang Squat snatch, work to moderate double 
B. Front Squat, moderate set of 4 reps x 5 sets rest 2 min b/t sets 
C1. DB Single Leg RDL, 8 reps/leg x 4 sets rest :30 
C2. FLR on Rings, :45-:60 x 4 sets rest :30 
D. 10 min low effort Row 

Note - Power program is starting a new training phase next week. This week is going to be a moderate/transition week for those who may be a little beat up. I understand that there are a few followers that are one week behind so this will give everyone a chance to catch up. After having conversations with our followers a few months ago, it is to my understanding that quite a few athletes will be competing in the CF open. That being said, without going down a rabbit hole of "theoretic" opinions, I am still going to design a program to increase strength, olympic proficiency and gymnastic density however I am also going to get into some mixed modal prep. Depending on your goal for this years open (while understanding the numbers you need to achieve those goals), Now may be a good time to discuss whether to transition over to our GOLD program. There are quite a few athletes who may do "well" by becoming more "powerful" than they already are, and on the contrary, there are just as many athletes who can do just as "well" by becoming more "aerobic"... lots of quotes, I know... they are there for a reason. Feel free to shoot me over an email @ to discuss what may be a viable option for you heading into this years CrossFit open season.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Saturday October 10, 2015-

For Time @85%
10 Deadlift @185
10 Kipping HSPU
Rest 90 seconds
x5 sets
5 Rounds For Time:
200m Run @85%
10 Pushup @3030 tempo

HPA - Power 
15 rounds for time: 
2 Ring Muscle-ups 
6 Step Down Box Jumps @ 30/24" 
*Good scores - sub 8
*great scores - 7 or below
20 min low effort Z1 of course

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Friday October 9, 2015-

A. Snatch; 1.1.1x3, rest 15s/2m 
B. Front Squat @21x1; 4-6x5, rest 2m
10 Sets:

2 Tng PC & Push Jerk @60-65% (CJ max)
5 sec Assault Bike @100%
Rest 45-60s
5:00 AMRAP:
15 Unbroken OHS @75#
20 C2B Pullups
25 x3 UB DU's (75 total du's  per rd)

HPA - Power 
A. Cluster power snatch, 1.1.1 - work to tough set 
B. Deadlift, work to tough T&G set of 3 reps 
C1. Bench press, 3 tough reps x 6 sets rest :60 
C2. Strict CTB Pullups, 3 reps x 6 sets rest :60 
*C2 - Scale or upgrade movement to make sure set if tough. Stick to rep-range*