
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday May 1, 2015-

A. PC. Clean; build to a tough set (10s b/w reps)
B. BS @21x1; 4 reps x8 sets, rest 2-3m
C. Incline BB Bench press; @31x1; 6-8x3, rest 90s
EMOM for 10 Min:
1st: 1 mod DL single
2nd: 30 sec BJ step down @30"

  1. Power Clean. Hang Clean. Clean 1.1.1 Every 2 min for 10 min
  2. Back squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 4
  3. Single arm Dumbell row 10 reps every minute( alternating arms ) for 5 sets each
10 min EMOM:
10 second L sit + 10 toes to bar 

HPA - Power 
C&J varied - c&j drop set - fsquat - pchain/core
A. Power clean . Above knee hang squat clean . Split jerk, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. Power clean . Above knee Hang Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep @ 92% of part B x 3 sets rest 1m40 b/t sets
C. Front Squat, 4 @ 77%RM x 4 sets rest 3 min
EMOM for 12 minutes
1st minute: 6 Banded (xtra resistance) GH raises @ 20X0 (all the way down to full hip flexion)
2nd minute: Hollow body hold :30  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday April 29, 2015-

A. Pause Split Jerk (2s in bottom of dip); 6-8 singles, rest 90s (nothing too heavy)
B1. Strict Press @21x1; 3-5x 5, rest 90s
B2. WPU @21x1; 3-5 x5, rest 90s
C1. Oxidative Dual Chest Supported KB Row; 10 reps, rest 30s
C2. Oxidative Pushuup; 30-60 seconds, rest 30s x4 sets

-oxidative movements = 3030 tempo (3 seconds up/down)

A.Push Press. Push Jerk 2.2 x 5 sets, rest 2 min (  second pause overhead on every rep)

B1. Deadlift 3 touch and go reps, rest 90 seconds
B2. Barbell strict press 3 reps, rest 90 seconds x 5 sets    
C1. RDL 10-12 reps, rest 1 min 
C2. DUmbell push press AMRAP in 30 seconds 35/25#, rest 1 min x 3 sets 

HPA - Power 
Wed - DL - short interval :30/:30
A. Deadlift Cluster (drop each rep from top), 1.1.1 @ 72%RM every :90 x 7 sets
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec L Arm KB Snatch @ 24kg
30 sec rest
30 sec R Arm KB Snatch @ 24kg
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Squat Clean @ 95lbs
30 sec rest
30 sec Rowing
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Toes Through Rings
30 sec rest
30 sec Airdyne
30 sec rest

Monday, April 27, 2015

Tuesday April 28, 2015-

5 Sets:
5:00 Airdyne @base pace
Walk (or slow spin) 5 min as rest

HPA Blue:
4 sets @ high effort:
20 cal row

30 wall ball 20/14 to 10/9ft
20 cal airbike 
30 Russian KBS 32/24kg
20 cal row 
rest 5 min between

HPA - Power 
Ub strength + Gymnastic
A. Standing strict press --work to tough set of 4 reps 
EMOM for 12 minutes:
1st min: Push press, 3 T&G tough reps
2nd min: Ring Muscle ups, 4 reps
rest 6 min
EMOM for 12 minutes:
1st min: Strict Handstand push ups, 6-10 unbroken reps
2nd min: Bar Muscle up . CTB . Pullups, 2.3.6 -- unbroken set

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday April 27, 2015-

A. Sn Pull. Hang Ps. High Hang Sn; 1 complex every other min x5 sets (no drop)
B. FS @21x1; 4 reps x8 sets; rest 2m (heavier than last weeks 5's)
C. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @21x1; 8-10x3, rest 90s
15 Minute Z1 Row
*Get up every 5m and complete a 60m Farmer carry @32/1.5 kg per arm


  1. Snatch. Hang snatch 1.1 every other minute for 10 min
  2. Back squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 4
  3. Chest supported Barbell row 6-8 reps, rest 90 seconds x 4 sets
  4. Single arm farmers carry 400m for time, switch arms every 100m (32kg/24kg

HPA - Power
Snatch varied - snatch drop set - squat varied - core/pchain
A. Power snatch . High Hang Squat snatch . Above knee hang Squat snatch, 1.1.1 -- work to tough set
B. Power snatch . High Hang Squat snatch . Above knee hang Squat snatch, 1.1.1 @ 92% of part A x 2 sets rest 1m30 -2min
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 reps @ 75%RM x 4 sets rest 3 min -- include effort in notes
D1. DB wtd Back ext, 10-12 reps x 4 sets rest 1 min
D2. Hollow Body hold, :30 x 4 sets rest 1 min  

Friday, April 24, 2015

Saturday April 25, 2015-

3 Rounds For Time @Base Pace
550m Row
20 BJ Overs (24")
20 KBS (1.5/1)
1 Mile Airdyne
10-15m Low effort/ low impact aerobic cool down

20 min @ moderate effort:
400m row 

15 R arm KB snatch 24/16kg
400m run 
15 L arm KB snatch 24/16kg 

HPA - Power 
Ub strength - Gymnastic - mixed EMOM
Squat Snatch . Snatch balance, 1.1 @ 67%RM x 10 sets rest 1 min
A. Bench Press, work to tough set of 6 reps
B. Bench Press, 6 reps @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 2 min
EMOM for 10 minutes:
3 Ring Muscle ups every 1 minute 
rest 5 min
12 min EMOM:
1st min: 3 Bar Muscle ups
2nd min: 6 Push Jerk @ 155lb/105lb 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday April 24, 2015-

A. Clean. Hang Clean; 1.1x5; rest 2m (no drop)
B. BS @21x1; 5 reps x6 sets (all tough sets. no grinders)
C. Incline Bench Press @31x1; 8-10x3, rest 90s
EMOM For 10 Min:
1st: 2 moderate Deadlifts (reset b/w reps)
2nd: 30 second max rep DU's 

A. High Hang Clean. Above knee hang Clean 1.1 every 2 min until a tough set
B. Back squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 5 
C. Chest supported Barbell row @ 2020, 8-10 reps x 3 sets,r est 1 min 
D. :10-:20 L sit from pull up bar every minute for 10 min 

HPA - Power 
 C&J varied - c&j drop set - fsquat - pchain/core
A. Squat Clean & Split jerk, work to tough set
B. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, 1 rep every 2 min @ 90% of part B x 3 sets
C. Front Squat, 5 tough reps above 70%RM x 4 sets rest 3 min
EMOM for 10 minutes
1st minute: 6-8 GH raises @ 20X0 (all the way down to full hip flexion)
2nd minute: 10 toes to bar

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wednesday April 22, 2015-

A. Split Jerk; 6-8 reps @77-83%, rest 90s
B1. Wall Facing HSPU; AMRAP(-1)x4, rest 90s
B2. Weighted Prone Pullup @31x1; 4-6x4; rest 90s
C1. Half Kneeling SA KB Press; 10-15x3/arm, rest 60s
C2. SA DB Row @21x1; 10-15x3/arm; rest 60s

A. BTN split jerk. Split Jerk 1.1 OTM until a moderate set 
B1. Touch and go deadlift 5 reps, rest 90 seconds
B2. AMRAP strict HSPU ( no deficit), rest 90 seconds x 5 sets
C. Single arm dumbell press 10/10 x 5 sets, rest 1 min btwn arms 

HPA - Power 
DL - short interval :30/:30
A. Deadlift Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 67%RM every :90 x 7 sets
5 sets @ 90%:
30 sec Assault
30 sec rest
30 sec KBS - 32kg
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%
:30 sec Rowing
30 sec rest
30 sec OHS @ 95lbs
30 sec rest
5 min rest
5 sets @ 90%
:30 sec Assault
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees to 6" OH
30 sec rest 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Tuesday April 21, 2015-

4 Sets @Base pace (see notes)
400m Run
15 Burpee
400m Run
15 Situps
Rest = Worlk 

*Do sets 2/4 In reverse order
low effort aerobic cool down

-If you consider your self strong /okay/ poor aerobically hit this at 85-90/ 80-85/ 75-80% respectively. For the next 6 weeks this is the pace I want you to stick to when I Rx "Base Pace". This will ensure that your operating at the correct output relative to your abilities . Ie- if someone is poor vs. excellent aerobically an 85% output will yield very different results in a given time frame. 
-If you are unsure which group you fall in  post your ... 500m Row, 10 Minute Assault bike, 15 Mile Airdyne , 10 RFT: kbs/burpee/wb, 10 RFT: 500m Row/burpee, and FT: 300c AD/200 DU/1k Row scores to the comments along with todays results and i'll let you know.

5 sets @ high effort:
21 Burpee ( no jump at top)

18 Cal row 
15 KBS 32/24 kg 
12 Box jump over 24/20"
9 Hand release push up
6 Power snatch 95/65 
rest 3 min btwn sets 

HPA - Power 
Ub strength + Gymnastic
A. T&G Push press, work to tough 5 rep
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: Standing Strict Press, 3 tough reps
2nd min: Wtd Strict Pullup, 3 tough reps
rest 5 min
EMOM for 10 minutes:
1st min: Kipping Handstand push ups, 10 reps
2nd min: CTB Pullups, 10 reps  

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Monday April 20, 2015-

A. Snatch + Hang Snatch; 1 complex every other min for 10 Min (no drop b/w reps)
B. Front Squat; @21x1; 5 reps x6 sets rest 2-3m (all tough set, but no grinders)
C. Chest Supported BB Row @21x1; 8-10x3, rest 90s (sub for pendlay row if no bench)
20 Minutes @low effort
100ft SA Farmer Carry/arm (@24-32kg)
2 Mile Airdyne
100ft Forward/ reverse bear crawl 

A. Snatch. OHS, 1.1 every 90 seconds x 10 sets, start moderate, add 5-10#/ set
B. Back squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 5
C. Strict pronated pull up 8-10 reps,rest 90 seconds x 4 sets
D1. GH raise 4-6 reps, rest 1 min 
D2. Front plank 1 min , rest 1 min x 5 sets 

HPA - Power 
Snatch varied - snatch drop set - squat varied - core/pchain
A. Squat Snatch, build to tough 1 rep
B. Squat Snatch, 1 rep @ 90% of part A x 3 sets rest 1m30 -2min
C. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 70%RM x 4 sets rest 3 min
D1. Romainian Deadlifts @ 2111, 8-12 reps @ part B x 4 sets rest 1 min
D2. Strict Anchored sit ups, 20 reps x 4 sets rest 1 min  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Saturday April 18, 2015-

5 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
15 KBS @1.5/1
20 Burpee
(Rest 5m)
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 BJ Step Down @24/20
20 Situps
15 Wall Ball Slams @20/14
(Rest 5m)
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
400m Run
15 KBS @1.5/1
20 Burpee
(Rest 5m)
5 Minute AMRAP @85%
500m Row
15 BJ Step Down @24/20
20 Situps
15 Wall Ball Slams @20/14

5 min AMRAP @ 80-85%
250m row
20 box jump  24"/20" ( step down)
20m shuttle run x 4
rest 5 min 

5 min AMRAP @ 80-85%
20 cal airbike 
30 double unders
rest 5 min 
5 min AMRAP @ 80-85%
250m row 
10 wall ball 
10 burpee ( no jump)
10-15 min easy airbike/run/row 

HPA - Power 
A. Snatch Balance, work to tough 1 rep
B. Thruster, work to tough triple from ground -- squat clean the first rep
For time:
Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb

Friday April 17, 2015-

A. PS. Hang Snatch; 1.1x5; rest 2m (no drop)
B. Clean & Jerk; 1 OTM for 10 Min @75-80%
C. Back Squat; 3 reps x6 sets (heavier than monday)
D. Stiff Legged DL; 6 reps x4 sets; rest 2m 

A.Power Snatch. OHS 1.1 x 5 sets, rest 2 min 
B.Power Clean. Clean. Split Jerk 1.1.1 every 90 seconds for 9 sets ( all moderate weight)
C.Back squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 5 
D. GH raise @ 2020 4-6 repsx 5 sets , rest 1 min 

HPA - Power 
A. Bench Press, 1rm
B. Bench Press, max unbroken reps @ 85% & 75%RM w/ 3 min b/t sets
C. Deadlift, 1rm
For time:
500m Row 

10 min EZ cool down on bike   

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday April 15, 2015-

500m Row For Time
30 Minute AMRAP @65-75% (just move & focus on quality movement)
20m Forward Bearcrawl
20m reverse bearcrawl
5 Lunge matrix/leg
1k Row @1 damper
10/10 banded cook chop
400m Jog

Cook chop (
lunge matric (1 forward, lateral, and reverse lunge = 1 rep)

20 thrusters for time  135#/95#
* bar taken from the ground, move AFAP
rest 5-10 min 

30 thrusters for time 95#/65#
rest 5-10 min 
20 min @ 70-75% ( moderate effort) 

Row 400m 
run 400m 
20m bear crawl 
1 min front plank 

HPA - Power 
A. Front Squat, build to tough single
B. Power clean, work to moderatee T&G double
For time at ALL OUT effort:
Power clean @ 115lb /75lb
rest 10 min
For time @ ALL OUT effort::
Power clean @ 115lb/75lb
rest as needed
10 min Z1 cool down row 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tuesday April 14, 2015-

A. Strict Press Cluster; 3.3x5; rest 15s/2m
B1. Wtd. Supinated Chinup @21x1; 4-6x4, rest 30s
B2. Chest Supported BB Row; 8-12x4; rest 2-3m
C. Hard Style Toes To Bar; 30 perfect reps. Parition as needed

Hardstyle T2B- keep these strict. Breath out fully before begining the concentric portion of the movement

A1.Strict press cluster from blocks 1.1.1, resr:10/Rest 1 min 
A2.Weighted Pronated pull up 5 reps, rest 1 min x 5 sets 
B. Chest supported barbell row 10-12 reps, rest 1 min x 4 sets 
16 min EMOM:
E: :10 Hollow body rock

O; :10-:20 L sit from chin up bar 

HPA - Power
A. Push Jerk . Split Jerk, work to tough set without dropping bar
B. Seated Btn strict press, work to 1rm
50 kipping handstand push ups for time
For time:
Unbroken CTB Ladder
1-10 reps 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Monday April 13th 2015

A. BS; 3x3; rest 2m (moderate effort)
B. Snatch; build to a max (video for technical analysis)
10 Minute Assault Bike, or AD, for Max Cals
(2k Row FT if no AD)
*Note what model AD/AB you use. 

A. Snatch, work to a max
B. Clean and Split Jerk, work to a max
Drop to 70% of B, 30 reps for time 

HPA - Power
A. Squat Snatch, 1rm
For time:
10 Squat snatch @ 65%RM
10 Squat Snatch @ 70%RM
10 Squat Snatch @ 75%RM
10 squat snatch @ 80%RM

10 min Recovery row

Friday, April 10, 2015

Saturday April 11, 2015-

Build to 80-85% Mondays, tough single, clean
30 Cleans (full squat) for time @70% of mondays tough single
20-30 Minute Z1 Airdne, Row, Jog, etc

10 rounds for time: 4 burpees
6 KBS 32/24kg
8 wall ball 20/14 to 10/9 ft

HPA - Power
A. Overhead Squat @ 33X1, work to tough single within 6-7 sets
B. Pronated Strict Pullups, find 1rm
C. Strict Pronated Pullups, max unbroken reps (until failure) x 3 sets rest 2 min b/t sets
D. For time: accummulate :60 of L-sit on paralletes  

10 min Z1 row (damper setting 1)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday April 10, 2015-

A. Strict Press; build to a max
B. WPU; build to a max
30 Muscle Ups For Time

A. Deadlift, work to a max
B. Weighted Dip, work to a max
C. 15 rope climbs for time ( use feet )
Rest as needed +
5 min AMRAP
Burpee bar muscle ups 

HPA - Power 
Fri - Testing
A. Power Clean, build to max
B. 8 min AMRAP: max reps @ 90% of best Weight from part A
rest 10 min
5 rounds for time:
4 Burpees
6 KB swings @ 32kg/24kg
8 Wall Balls @ 20lb to 10 ft

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wednesday April 8, 2015-

15 Mile Airdyne Time Trial
(60 Min Row for distance if no AD)

15 mile airbike time trial (60 min row for distance if no AD)

HPA - Power 
A. Squat snatch, 1 moderate rep every :30 x 10 minutes
B. Power clean & Overhead, 1 moderate rep every :30 x 10 minutes
10 min Max cals on assault  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Tuesday April 7, 2015-

A1. CGBP; 12-10-8-6; rest 90s
A2. Incline DB Chest Supported Row; 10-12x4; rest 90s
B1. SA DB OHP; 15x4, rest 60s
B2. 2 L-Sit Rope Climbs for quality, rest 60s
C. 30 Strict Toes to Bar Not for Time

-if you cant do L-sit RC's scale to legless ropeclimb
-if you cant do L-sit rope climbs scale to 4 weighted supinated chinups

A1. Strict press work to a max
A2. Weighted pronated pull up, work to a max
B. Max unbroken C2B pull up in 1 set
C. 50 strict HSPU for time
D. 50 GHD sit ups for time 

HPA - Power
A. Strict Press,1rm
B. Push press,1rm
5 min Max strict hspu

rest 5 min 

50 toes to bar for time 

rest 5 min 
1 min max distance of assault 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Monday April 6, 2015-

A. BS; build to a tough single
B. Clean; build to a tough single (if you're feeling it go for a max)
10 Rounds For Time:
4 KBS @32/24kg
6 Burpee
8 Wall Ball @20/14#

A. Back squat, work to a single 
B. Power Clean, work to a max 
C. Drop to 90% of B, 8 min AMRAP
D. Max unbroken ring muscle up in 1 set, rest 2 min x 3 

HPA - Power 
A. Power snatch, 1rm
B. Back Squat, 1rm
C. Back Squat @ 30X0, max reps 

D. Ring Muscle ups, max unbroken set 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Saturday April 4, 2015-

10 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
15 Burpee

*Post score, limiting factor, and time after 5 rounds. 

HPA - Power 
A. Standing strict press, work to tough double 
B. Strict handstand push ups, max unbroken -- 1 set 
C. Kipping handstand push ups, max unbroken -- 1 set 
5 rounds for time      
10 cals on rower 
10 ring dips

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Friday April 3, 2015-

A. Lying Banded Hamstring Curl; 12-14x3; rest 60s (use this to warm up hamstrings. focus on feeling the muscle contract)
B. Back Squat; 5x5; rest 2-3m (tough, but stay explosive)
C. Stiff legged DL; 10 reps x3 sets (nothing too heavy. Focus on feeling the stretch in hamstrings)
50 Strict Pullups For Time

Banded Hamstring Curl

HPA-BLUE A. Snatch Balance. OHS 3.3 x 4 sets, rest 2 min
B. Back squat 5 reps x 5 sets, rest 2-3 min ( fast explosive reps)
C. AMRAP unbroken strict pronated pull ups , rest 2 min x 4 sets
D. GHD sit up 10-15 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds 

HPA - Power
A. Power snatch, work to moderate single 

B. Squat Clean & Split Jerk, work to moderate single 
C. strict pronated wtd pullup, build to tough double 
D. Strict Pronated Pullups, AMRAP (-2) x 5 sets rest 1m30 b/t sets   
E. L-sit holds on par., Accumulate :90 of total holding