
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Friday January 1, 2015-

A. PC. Clean; 1 complex x5 sets, rest 2m (75% last weeks max)
B. Back Squat; 3.3.3 x3, rest 30s/3m
5:00 AMRAP:
Burpee Ring Muscle Up
EMOM for 20 Minutes:
1st: 3 tough strict deficit hspu
2nd: 3 tng PC @60-65%

HPA - Power
A. High Hang Squat Snatch, work to max 
B. Power clean, work to tough T&G double
C. Back Squat, work to solid single
D. EMOM x 10 minutes: 

2 tough but fast T&G deadlifts 
2 High box jumps from Seated position (about 12-16" depending on height)
E. For time: 

GH raises 
Toes to bar 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wednesday December 30, 2015-

A. WPU; build to a max
B1. Push Press; 10-10-10, rest 20s
B2. Strict HSPU; 1:00 AMRAP x3, rest 3m
10 Minute AMRAP:
C2B Pullup
BJ Step Down (30")

HPA - Power
A. High Hang Squat Snatch, smash your old 1rm
B. Power Clean, work to tough triple

C. Back Squat , work to solid single
10 min EMOM:
2 T&G Tough but fast Deadlift 
2 High Box jump from seated position  
E. For time:
GH raises 
Toes to bar 

Monday, December 28, 2015

Tuesday December 29, 2015-

3:00 Row @90-95% (of HR max from last week) Rest 1m x4-5 sets + EMOM for 7 Minutes: 20 DU's 10 Burpee *Peformed AFAP
15-30 Minute AB @50-655

HPA - Power 
A. Strict Pronated Pullup, work to tough set of 2 reps

B. Push Press . Push Jerk, work to max set -- don't drop reps b/t
C. 3 rounds for time

8 Push press @ 225lb/145lb (all singles, use blocks) if too heavy use about 80% of max push press
3 Rope climb to 15ft
D. EMOM for 12 minutes:
1st min: 5-6 UB Ring Muscle ups
2nd min: 8-12 unbroken Kipping HSPU

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Monday December 28, 2015-

A. Snatch Pull. Snatch; 1.1x5, rest 10s/2m
B. PC & Split Jerk; 1 tough set every 2:00 x5 sets
C. Front Squat; 4-2-4-2-4-2; rest 2:30 (inc wt ea/ wave)

D. Snatch Grip DL; 6 x4, rest 2m
E. Toes to Bar; 6-10 UB x6 sets, rest 1m

HPA - Power
A. T&G Squat Snatch, 2 reps every :90 x 8-10 sets - start @ about 50% of 1rm and increase about 5% every :90 x 8-10 sets -- end on a successful lift.
B. Squat Clean & Split jerk ,  work to tough single
C. Front Squat, build to tough single in 8 sets --- go for true 1rm if your feeling the PR
For time: 
50 Left Leg Step ups on 20" box 
50 R Leg step ups on 20" box 
50 Back ext on GHD  

Friday, December 25, 2015

Saturday December 26, 2015-

Option 1 (if you missed yesterdays session):
A. Clean; build to a max B. Back Squat; 5.5 x3, rest 60s/3m
10 Min AMRAP:
15 UB PS (75)
15 UB WB
30 UB DU
10 Minute Rest
Deadlift (165)
cal Assault Bike 

Option 2 (If you trained yesterday):
A1. SA DB Press; 8-10x3/arm, rest 1m
A2. Pendlay Row; 8-10x3, rest 1m
10 Min AMRAP:
15 UB PS (75)
15 UB WB
30 UB DU
10 Minute Rest
Deadlift (165)
cal Assault Bike 

HPA - Power   
A. EMOM x 12 minutes: 

1st min:  Wtd Strict Pronated CTB Pullups, 3 tough reps 
2nd min: Wtd Strict Ring Dips, 3 tough reps  
B. Strict Ring Muscle up , max unbroken reps x 2 sets rest 2min b/t sets

15 min AMRAP: 
Wall Balls, 20lb/14lb - 15,15,15,15...
Burpee Ring Muscle ups - 1,2,3,4...
*Best male scores will be above 8 rds + 15 wall balls 
10-15 Min Easy Cyclical Cooldown- your choice of modality   

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Friday December 25, 2015-

A. Clean; build to a max
B. Back Squat; 5.5 x3, rest 60s/3m
C. Clean Pull; 3x3; rest 2m (100-105%)
D. Core Work- your choice
20 Minute Row @65-70%

HPA - Power
A. Snatch Balance, work to max 
B. Below Knee Hang Power clean, work to tough triple
C. Back Squat Cluster , work to tough 2.2 with :20 b/t
D. EMOM x 18 minutes: 

1st min: 3 Max Heigh Vertical Jumps

2nd min: 3 Tough Deadlift

3rd min: 9 Unbroken Kipping hspu (largest deficit possible)
E. 3 sets @ high effort

Toes to bar 
GH Raises 
rest :90 b/t sets  

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Wednesday December 23, 2015-

A. Pause Split Jerk. SJ; 1.1x5, rest 20s/2m (2s at bottom of dip)
B. WPU; 2,2,1,1,1; rest 2m
For Time:
20 C2B Pullups
10 Thruster (95#)
10 Push Press (95#)
20 BJ Over (24")
Rest 3m
x3 Sets
15-20 Minutes of mobility focusing on your shoulders, t-spine, etc. 

HPA - Power
A. Deadlift @ 11X1, 3 reps @ 75%RM every :90 x 6 sets (this is full pause and reset b/t reps) 
B. Below Knee Hang Squat clean . Squat clean, 1.1 - work to tough set - drop 1st clean from shoulders and reset

C. Above knee hang Power clean . Front Squat, 3.3 reps every 2 min @ 70-75% of part B  x 5 sets
EMOM x 20 minutes:
1st min: 10 T&G Power snatches @ 95lb /65lb

2nd min: 12 Step down box jumps @ 24"
2nd min: 10 Thrusters @ 95lb/65lb

4th min: 12 cals on assault (10 cals for female)

Monday, December 21, 2015

Tuesday December 22, 2015-

4:00 Row @125 watts
Rest 30s
4:00 Row @150 watts
Rest 30s
4:00 Row @175 watts
Rest 30s
4:00 Row @200 watts
Rest 30s
4:00 Row @225 watts
..... until failure.
*If your average pace for the 3:00 interval is below the rx'ed wattage upon completion of said set terminate the workout. 

*If you have a HR monitor record your HR upon completion of ea/ interval, and upon failure. Send me this data at "". 

-This one is for you Derek =)

"Like" Button clicked by Kyle Tiringer for the above comment

HPA - Power 
A. Strict Pronated Pullup, work to tough set of 3 reps

B. Push Press , work to 1rm 
C. For time: 
10 Push press @ 80% of part B -- use blocks
5 Rope climb to 15ft
15 Push jerk  @ 80% of part B --use blocks
5 Rope climb to 15ft
D. EMOM for 20 minutes:
1st min: 3 Burpee Ring Muscle ups
2nd min: 6 Kipping Deficit HSPU + 6 CTB Pullups